HELLO?! Am I on everyone's ignore list?

It’s a conundrum, isn’t it?

DANG you people are grouchy!!! Sorry Rilchiam, I don’t know about anyone else, but I rarely venture outside the pit or imho. I’m easily pleased and amused and both those forums do a great job for me.

I like GD also, but too much of the time it’s all political, or religious. So, maybe it’s what someone else said, no one saw it, or no one knew and didn’t want to just say 'I don’t know".

I was thinking of trying that but now that it’s been used …thinks Has anyone called Rilch a “goat-felching fuckpuddle” yet? Maybe I could use that?

Eh, then again I don’t think I could pull off a “goat-felching fuckpuddle” … not sure I’d want to either.
I didn’t think this thread was so bad, who hasn’t experienced the frustration of constantly refreshing a forum or thread in the hopes that someone will have noticed and responded (hopefully positively) to your post. Constanly refreshing only to see no change or a response that completely ignores your question or witty response, leaving you feeling let down and just full of general malaise so that the tears start to well up and you just want to scream and … uh, I think I’ve said too much.

Er …

Rilch, you puddle-felching goat fuck!
Oh, I give up.
wanders off to refresh the page

I think people are grouchy because of the phrasing of the OP.

An MPSIMS thread with “poor me, no one knows the answer” would’ve gotten a better response than “Fuck you, no one likes me”

::looking up definition of irony::

ah, here it is:

i·ro·ny, noun

  1. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
  2. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
  3. A person on a message board who complains about being ignored by posters and then refuses to reenter either of two threads to help clarify questions that responders have.

Hell, yeah. I dunno about you, but I found the OP’s sense of entitlement particularly annoying. Considering that answers given on the Dope are provided free of charge, and often by people that put time and effort into crafting a reply, don’t you think that:

“I asked a simple fucking question. A simple yes, no or I don’t know would suffice.”

is a little… I dunno… overbearing? Annoying? Rude, even? Grouchy. Certainly grouchy. That sense of entitlement – “Wah! It’s all about me! Pay attention to me!” – always rubs me the wrong way.

At least this thread has accomplished one thing – whatever the OP’s next posted question is, I sure as Hell won’t bother answering it.

Jeez, all I did was kindly confirm to the OP that he’s not on my ‘ignore’ list. Dang, you people are sensitive.

How come this thread has no OP?


What thread?

You know what I hate? When I have a great, bitchy, mean-ass put down that’s tailor made for a particular post or thread… but I don’t want to use it because I actually like the OP and don’t want to insult them. This is one of those cases. If it hadn’t been Rilchaim that posted this thread, I would have said, “No, but you keep posting whiny shit like this, you’re gonna be on mine pretty damn quick.”

But since it’s Rilchaim, I’m just going to keep it to myself.

Miller, my sentiments exactly! I was thinking "Wow, Rilchiam’s always been a decent sort. From where comes all this grief?

Whew! Wow. Whoa.

What brought this on, you ask? Well…

—I’m not going to blame it on any personal circumstances. I take full responsibility.

—I’ve had a couple other threads go unanswered as well, recently. Now, one of them really should have been in CS, but I wanted to give it some lag time before I reposted (and reworded), so as not to be accused to be accused of crossposting. The other, I knew going in that I was on thin ice.

But in this case, I think I’m at least a tiny bit justified in being honked off. The original Halvsie thread was quite popular. I can understand people not responding to answer my question, but to have it go unremarked entirely, with not even a “What the fuck is Halvsie?” was surprising, to say the least.

—A lot of time and attention is being given to certain jackasses lately. And not just in the Pit. In my fit of pique (no, I’m not going to say what prompted it), I thought I’d just say what was on my mind; I couldn’t get it any worse than people who are being stubbornly provocative.

—I will admit that posting in MPSIMS did not occur to me. I looked at it as posting in the Pit or keeping silent. So I chose the Pit. Live and learn.

—And yeah, I know everyone doesn’t read CS regularly. But a hell of a lot of people do.

—To those suggesting that I get a life: It’s not a matter of my thinking the board is my personal search engine, or that my posts are so bloody important. This was just a specific incident that rubbed me the wrong way for a little while.

Zabali: Thank you again.

Zette: I just thought people would have an answer or a comment for this particular question.

El Kabong and Harborwolf: :slight_smile: Thank you. Smeghead and BMalion** also.

UrbanChic and Wile E: Yeah, man.

Glory: …heh. That’s actually a good point.

Miller and lieu: Well, thank you!

Enderw24: I haven’t been home since my last post to this thread. I should have said.

And that’s another thing. I know I’m not the only one to be accused of “abandoning” a thread, especially a Pit thread, just because a lot of posts piled up in my absence. Are we all supposed to post just to say “I gotta go to work” or whatever before we go do our IRL thing?

I don’t know.


I think the GQ would have gone down a lot better if you’d have given even the smallest iota of an indication of what the fuck “Halvsie” is. It’s pretty badly worded:

I mean seriously - :confused:

Is it some US cultural reference that everyone stateside would get but I won’t coz I’m a foreigner? Or are some Yanks as confused as I am? Anyway, I still have no fucking idea what it is. I demand that someone explains it to me without me doing any effort, such as Googling or clicking on a link.

I don’t know either.
Hey, I didn’t say it in the other thread…

Well I paid damned near five bucks to ask important questions and get good solid answers quickly god dammit. Luckily my keyboard is missing the question mark button which prevents me from phrasing my remarks in anything but a staement. Otherwise I’d have to call you bitches out. :smiley:

It may well be a US cultural reference, but I still don’t know what it is. So don’t feel bad, jjimm.

Speaking of lists, did I somehow end up on a “Cut that Fucker Off in Traffic” list?

It’s happened so often, I’ve become desensitized.

Heck, I only had one thread break the elusive two-page mark.