How long is the average penis?

My penis about 5 inches, and ballpoint.


My penis mightier than the sword.

You need a fishing license to take a sperm sample out of mine.

My penis my sword.

Has anyone got a reliable median length? This is one of these things where you want to know if you’re in the ‘longer’ or ‘shorter’ half :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that I have any doubt whatsoever.

Make it a pdf.

Is it a show-er or a grower?

I choked Linda Lovelace.

My dick is so big it has a lobby and elevators…

My penis is so big it has mile markers and rest areas…

My dick is so big it wears two watches, one for each time zone its in…

My dick is so big, its head is always covered in snow…

My dick is so big it has smaller dicks orbiting around it…

My dick’s dick is bigger than yours…

Who was it who said, “Yeah, I’ve got ten inches. If I measure from my asshole!”?

The clue’s in your user name, right? Inches, I take it. Or have you gone metric?

Right, so we should make the subject line “Penis size SCIENTIFIC RESULTS!”, right?

And I find intriguing that the variation is estimates of the mean is larger than the estimate of the true standard deviation. So the amount of lying is apparently greater than the amount of true variation.

Monty Python Sketch:
(Lost at sea in lifeboat)

[One man]How long is it been?
[Other man]Isn’t that a rather personal question?


“And deep, too.”

Yes, that was exactly the conclusion that I came up with. As a matter of fact, my project was not an effort to determine the mean size of the human penis, but an effort to determine whether men tend to lie about the size of their penis. And answer is (not surprisingly), that they do. Here are the paragraphs from the project which address this:

“And there’s a burr in the plumbing”

“You mean the burr in the wall or the burr in the basement”

" I mean the one down by the river"

Had to finish the joke

The use of the word “clinically” implies that you might have been using a cold ruler. I would suggest clinical scientists in white lab coats measuring the control group, and Hooters waitresses measuring the test subjects.

How long is the average penis?

According to my friends who are single and active, the answer is about ten minutes, unfortunately.

I tried, but for some reason it won’t print properly to the Acrobat Distiller. The size of the Word document is 896 KB.

A girl once asked apon seeing my manhood, “Who are you gonna please with that?”

I replied as usual, “Myself, of course.”