I Have My Absentee Ballot for the November Election

Um, Sam, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you pull offspring out of a woman’s hoo hoo, not a sleeve. [chuckle] I guess I should do my due diligence and look these guys up before completing my ballot, but, whoops, I derailed my train of thought mentioning a woman’s hoo hoo. What was I saying?

You know, you’re absolutely right.

Well, THIS may explain why I find myself childless. :smack:

Got my absentee ballot earlier this week, complete with Obama, McCain, Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, some lunkhead from the Nebraska Party* and assorted others. It looks exactly like the sort of paper ballot you get when you vote in person.

Rant: I hate those electronic voting systems with a passion. Any voting system which lacks sufficient accountability and auditability is inherently anti-democratic and IMO anti-American. A vote is an incredibly valuable thing; too many people have fought and died for the right to vote to have people disenfranchised (accidentally or deliberately) by a buggy bit of software.
*I don’t think he’s proposing independence for Nebraska but you never can tell with these people.

Still waiting for my absentee ballot here. At least 80% of our mail from outside the country never arrives so I think I will end up going to the Embassy for an emergency write-in ballot.

Will you be sending your vote by pigeon?

Now there’s an idea! But looking over the rules, it would seem the pigeon would have to be federally qualified. So no, I just went around to the post office and sent it off there regular air mail.

That means … Woo Hoo! it’s Done and Dusted! I have voted in the 2008 US pesidential election, and Barack Obama / Joseph Biden now have one vote winging its way to Texas. :cool:

Too bad that by the time it gets here we’re going to be ruled by talking apes.

I know this is too cheap and easy but…

“Going to be”?

Nah, the Thai postal system is really very good. It’ll be there in a couple of weeks.

Now, for any Republicans out there, for $5000, I’ll sit and regret my vote for up to 10 minutes.