I have one question for Sarah Palin . . .

Really. I used to know a guy who changed his religion every week on his MySpace page just for the hell of it.

I’m really not sure how I feel about this situation, but I have a strong, strong, very strong, suspicion that were Palin not the VP candidate, there’d be no way in hell these two would be getting married.


The Republican party has been portrayed in recent times as out of touch with the needs, lives, and opinions of the common people. For there to be a … concern … such as this in the life of someone who’s running for VP is going to connect her to a lot of people who might otherwise not be interested. Don’t call it a problem… don’t call it a crisis… but acknowledge that it’s there, it’s been discussed, it’s being handled, it’s not going to destroy the family, and they’re all behaving fairly rationally. This is the kind of calm, controlled leadership our country needs.

Plus, she’s shorter than McCain, and VP candidates of that stature are hard to come by.


May I remind the OP and perhaps a few others of a very important factoid regarding La Familia Palin and the troubles associated therewith…

That is all.

oh My!

Anyway, this focus on Palin’s family is just mean and sexist and meant to detract from Sarah Palin’s Big Day.

She’s fresh. She’s vibrant. She’s the new face of the Republican Party! She’s a Hockey Mom and P.T.A. member and lots of good stuff like that, so lay off.

Wait a minute. There’s all of the complaining about the media making an issue of the family problems and the poor kids. The McCain campaign even got the statement from Obama that he wouldn’t make an issue of it.

Then, yesterday, they bring in Cementhead from Alaska and prop the kids up front and center for the media. Talk about wanting it both ways. Notice that until the story of the pregnancy broke there was no mention a “fiance”. What a bunch of lying hypocrites.

I’d fuck him.

Just sayin’ is all.

Very, very true. I think it’s just being called out to show the hypocracy of the Republican party who are always saying “Character DOES matter! What someone does in their personal life DOES matter!”
They are the same ones who screamed and howled when Bill Clinton got a blo-job in the Whitehouse saying “who cares if he’s doing a good job or not, he cheated on his wife, that’s like cheating on the country!”

To me, character is very important. But I don’t have a vote in this election.

Oh, okay. How about her stance on the idea that education & abstinence are all we need to prevent teen pregnancies?

Aw, you’re so cute! First time observing an American political campaign, I take it?

Precisely the point. Her stance sucks. It doesn’t matter that her teen daughter is pregnant, it matter what she thinks, and what she thinks sucks.

Oh, cram it, Mary. I know full well how screwed up this system is, I just have the smallest of hopes left that the people who whined and whined about the how Bill got a raw deal in the Clinton/Lewinsky debacle would have the courage of their convictions and keep their meaningless bullshit commentary to themselves.

Freaking MySpace page or not, he put it out there. I will assume that what someone chooses to write and say about themself is accurate of the way they view themselves. If it reflects poor judgement, then that is really all I need to know about them.

I’m not having any luck getting to his current Myspace page - anyone have a link for me?

On her son’s deployment to Iraq:

There once was a boy named Track
Who was being deployed to Iraq;
He said “my mom
is so full of cum
I’ll have 12 brothers before I get back”

He’s seventeen. How many 18 yr old males do you know that don’t make some idiotic comment that reflects poor judgement from time to time?

Unless the OP is suggesting that possible-President Palin would force all pregnant American teenagers to get married, the significance of the entire matter escapes me.

Shit missed edit window. I couldn’t remember if he was 17 or 18, wrote post, but didn’t sumbit until I checked, he’s 18, corrected the one reference, didn’t correct the other. crap. so it should read “He’s eighteen. How many 18 yr old males do you know that don’t make some idiotic comment that reflects poor judgement from time to time?”

Yeah, but I recall you once saying you’d fuck Dubya, when he was younger.

I was going to vote for McCain, but after reading the OP, I’ve decided to vote for Obama. My eyes have been opened!! Thank-you so much. I don’t know what I was thinking before.