If that motherf****ing PAPERCLIP FROM HELL pops up one more time...

Have you tried going to “Help” then “Hide office assistant”? Although I prefer to just set it to something cute. Some versions of Windows have a dog and cat, among others. Right click on Clippy and go to “choose office assistant.” Then choose. By right clicking on your new assistant and choosing “animate,” it will do all sorts of cool stuff. Very amusing when bored.

Perhaps my site? (No I didn’t create them.)

I like Einstein myself. He’s cute.

Looks like Clippy is looking for a new job.

Oh, well then if it’s your “work 'puter” and you’re not allowed to delete clippy, some of the other poster’s suggestions here might be less frustrating than having clippy just “pop up” out of nowhere.

If you choose the cat, dog or robot, I think you can set them for “no sound”. I don’t recall right off the top of my head.

At any rate, you can put them FAR up in one of the corners, and all they do is have a little light bulb go on over their heads, or stretch or something.

I’ve found that the cat is the least annoying re: noise, etc.

Look at the flash animations on the link posted by runner pat and Joey G. It’s all about how Office XP doesn’t have Clippy because people “hate that bleep paperclip”. Selecting Gilbert Gottfried, who has possibly THE most annoying voice on the planet, to voice Clippy is a nice touch.

this may have been posted before, I don’t really have time to read through all of them, but I saw this clip and thought if this post. Hope you enjoy it


Warning Contains vulgar language

Y’know, that’s literally what I typed in to find out how to get rid of him. It must be one of the standard questions.

Christ I loathe those things. Especially the fact that they keep blinking and moving even when not in use.