If you flick it more than once, you're playing with it

Heh. Nope. I have a tenency-at-will, and with that the only real rule is no pets. And about 75% of tenents openly break that rule.

Oopsie? :confused: This requires enlightening. Spill it, Mal!

Aversion to simulated Savioral member manipulation… Reason 24 to buy the Clapper.

Actually, if you flick Jesus’ switch to often, you may get the Clap…per…


You really didn’t need to comment on that. The joke was already hanging out there like a… like a…

How can I put this delicately?

Like a big erect Jesus wang.

Well, you know what they say, Jesus was well hung…

You nailed it.

“Oopsie” not on my part, on the part of the switch designer… and headsmack by proxy.

Well, good thing you’re all already going to hell for mocking our lord and savior so childishly… because I was quite ready to damn you for making me snort root beer all over a perfectly good keyboard.

Aw, what the heck. Damn you, damn you all!

Nice one!

This switchplate was obviously created to fulfil a Scriptural prophecy: “I am the light of the world.” John, 8:12.

This little light of mine,
I’m gonna let it shine

Thine is the glory.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Savior’s mighty dong.

The father, the son, and the holy shit that’s a huge boner!

BDSM Jesus looking for a switch hitter?

Obviously very poor design and marketing. Although I wonder what the reaction would be if this was Mohammad portrayed thusly?

Aha. :smack: for me, now. :slight_smile:

I thought it was “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Not “Suffer the little children me coming on to them.” (And I can’t help wondering where that picture was taken.)

It should have been “suffer little children”, followed by:

“…thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” Psalms 23:4

There’s a superfluous ‘to’ in that last sentence. :smiley: