What is with you? Shut my threads down again.

It seems the thing to do these days is shut down the K-to-the-Z.
Help, Help, I’m being repressed!

Wow, you guys get to respond with the most inane references, and the more obscure and inane the better, it seems. You battle for it.

You shut down my last post because, oh, 'Powz went obscure and such, maybe a little more than a D&D/WoW shutin is used to enduring.

Here is the hidden premise to the most recent post, lockeddown/erased/shunned, by those who are afraid of text, and I will be as clear as possible since I do not want to confuse you.

Push-button, airblower handdryers in men’s restrooms, back in the late 70’s and 80’s had the following directions:


The “thing” to do, as young, graffiti-slanted males will do is take a pocket knife to the directions leaving:


And the one always scratched into the paint.


I wanted to know if chicks were doing the same thing in their bathrooms, or were hanging out in the men’s room. The best way to ask without tipping my hand was through inference.

If this is supposed to be all Star Wars and who has the sharpest lightsaber let me know.

Sorry for thinking there could be little more to this site than evaluating the flight charateristics of the millenium falcon and shit.

I realize the futility of posting this in one of your threads, but despite that, what are you talking about?

Like you’re going to understand his explanation, either.

From what I can make out, he thought that we were all geniuses with the obscure references, so he thought he’d post a thread using the most obscure reference he could think of- the graffiti on supposedly all the hand dryers in mens’ bathrooms. And he wants to know, do women have this same graffiti on their hand dryers?

  1. push button

  2. receive bacon

Bye-bye, fry fry.

If it happens in ladies’ rooms, I haven’t seen it.

Cattle mutes, damn it! Cattle mutes is what happens in ladies’ rooms. Everybody knows that.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Purple monkey dishwasher.

And shit.

Aluminum falcon? What the hell’s an aluminum falcon?

It’s kind of like a copper pheasant. Only aluminum. And, you know, a falcon.

Man, you are trying way too hard here.

If you would read the notes and the FAQ and back your bad self down a little bit you might have a better chance of reaching people on this board and ultimately fitting in.

Lots of folks have made a bad start and then turned things around. You could do it too. It’ll be too bad if you can’t.

Just saying.

and shit.

I think he’s doing fine - he’s nice and random, and I like him.

So uh I guess he wants to know:

Do chicks vandalize the girl’s bathrooms in various ways?

Da Goddess of Da Big Horn be testifying, yo. If you down with dat, it’s all good my man. Gellin like a felon, word.

Otherwise, my brother gonna be rooming with Elvis down the Heartbreak Hotel. That’s a lonely street, dog.

What are you talking about? He’s funny!

I mean, sure, he’s more on dope than the Straight Dope and shit, but…

He’s funny!

Really, we could use more like this guy.

I don’t dislike the guy. It’s just that gimmick posters don’t work here. To fit in, you have to be a real person, not a bad SNL skit.

Being a little weird is cool. Being a whole lotta weird, all the damn time, gets old quickly.

I think he just used two star wars references and seven unique insults to ask “do ladies’ restrooms have graffiti?”