Invisible Wombat is Gary Robson

Based on the books he’s written, he probably shoots craps. :smiley:

I’ve often wondered if I was related to those guys. I was quite tempted to create myself a Wikipedia page, but that’s considered poor etiquette, and you guys would probably vandalize it anyway :wink:

And not a wombat. His relationship with us has been a tissue of lies.

OTOH, I love closed captions.

Same here, dropzone. Closed captions are awesome. When I wanted to try to get homemade VideoCDs and SuperVCDs and DVDs working with closed captions (instead of subtitles, which are stored as images rather than text) I could have used his three books.

So D%$# EYE ##@3 e#4

Is fake animal poop a big problem in the wild? I’ve only seen it at certain parties where the humor standards are rather marginal.

And thanks for the interesting link.

That’s pretty cool, Gary. Congratulations on your success and credentials. :slight_smile:

Give me a break, Qadgop. It rhymed. :smiley:

Thanks, Lib.

And, Derleth, if your captions look like that, it’s not a source issue – it’s a problem with your signal quality. I can explain it if you wish.

It’s funny because there is another Doper who is phenomenally accomplished in his field, and is in fact quite famous. He tours the world on speaking engagements, and is one of the smartest people I’ve ever known. I won’t say who he is because he has asked me not to. But I wonder how many other Dopers there are who are like Gary and The Nameless Guy. Possibly quite a few.

So now you’re a visible wombat? You do realize that’s going to make pooping in the park much trickier? :slight_smile:

That’s what the trees are for!

I’m pleased you got the joke. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I understand a bit about how captions are transmitted in the VBI and how a bad TV signal necessarily means garbled captions. That does not, however, explain the use of homophones or other bizarre word choices that I’ve seen. Those are source issues.

The homophones are artifacts of realtime captioning. They’re using chorded keyboards, where a slight slip of the finger can produce a completely different word.

Yeah, you’ll only see that kind of thing on live shows, like the news or sports events. Slightly more common is when the words are hard to understand on a movie and the captioner mis-hears the dialogue and thus types in something weird. I remember on the DVD of Fight Club, when Edward Norton is having his hand burned by lye, he thinks “I’m going to my cave. I’m going to my cave, and I’m going to find my power animal,” a visualization technique he learned earlier in the movie. But the captioner apparently heard it as “I’m going to my cave, and I’m going to find my valium.” Heh heh … that probably would be more helpful, I guess…

I don’t think you understand. He doesn’t need to ask. From their poop, he will know who they are.

By their poops ye shall know them (in bed).

Maybe he’s an invisible werewombat. We only see him when the moon wanes.

Exactly. Since I’m invisible, they all say “Where Wombat?”

I wish I could send a message to everyone in charge of captioning. The thing that separates the sheep from the goats for me is how they spell “all right.” I know that language changes, but not just willy nilly when you are in the word business.

Why are some captions in red? I can’t figure out a pattern?

Have you ever seen the TV program (just one show) “The Wonderful World of Dung”? I made a tape of it as a gag for the Wildlife Park where I volunteered, but it was too fascinating to give away! Besides, it was coupled with Howard’s End and it looked great just sitting on my shelf that way.

Have you read The Tracker by Tom Brown and any of his other books? Your opinion?

Any comment on wolves – tracking or otherwise? They are a passion.

Wow! You are really adorable! I like the way your hair does that little thing over your ear.

ETA: Oops…If you are still invisible then who…Oh wow I’m gonna be in TROUBLE!

Quite right. Words only change once every century, and ‘alright’ just barely missed the last switchover. ‘Gay’, contrariwise, gets to switch every single time.