Killer Nutria Hypothesis (Jimmy Carter Rabbit Attack)

Don’t you mean a møøse?

My good fellow, that website is propaganda from the Louisiana state government intended to induce their fellow Francophones into thinking that the nutria has suitable fur for coats on the grounds that, while fur is murder, killing nutria is justifiable homicide.

Rodenticide. Whatever. As a French-speaking attorney who has been to both Louisiana and Quebec, and had close encounters with nutria fur, you can trust me.

So I doubt they’re buying it.

Sur l’autre main, perhaps the apparent rabbit was in fact a perfidious shape-shifting swamp witch or bog demon, and Carter was wearing the Presidential Continuous Detect Evil Ring, and therefore knew the demon-rabbit or witch-hare was a worthy opponent?

Well, duh - but how does the Trilateral Commission fit into all this?

Because I mentioned it earlier.
Jimmy Carter rabbit attack political cartoon from the Washington Post.

Adware, and need login to view image.

Hmmm, last night I was able to view the image, now I can’t.

Nothing on my system complained about adware.

Dagnabbit! Lemme look into that.

Should work now.

It’s Photobucket. Can’t see that there’s anything harmful lurking there. :confused:

Sorry, I got an error message: “We’re sorry, we cannot find the page you requested.
Please check the URL for correct spelling and capitalization.”

grumble Photobucket make Hulk mad!

One more time.

Worked this time. :smiley:

After all that I hope you laughed!

Jody Powell was a dude.


see post 16.

:smack: I saw “Unwashed” and went right past it. :slight_smile: