Let's play a role-playing game

::stays seated where he is, trying to remember what happened.::

“Hello? I hear you, but can’t see you. Who are you? Where am I? What’s going on??”

“I can’t remember a god damned thing! Can you remember anything? Who are you?”

Is there anything around we can fashon into shoes?

“Well damn. I thought it was just me. I have no clue who I am. You sound nearby, can you see anything?”

attempts to gauge the distance between himself and the unknown person that spoke to him

Feeling around, there are rocks. And more rocks. And…

A cloth bag. It feels like it has stuff in it.

“Well shoot. I wonder if we can tell the contents of the bag just by feeling around in it?”

:examine contents of bag:

I am trying to find some kindling type stuff to start a fire. We have rocks, we can make sparks, we just need something to burn.

“Cloth burns.”

“Yeah, but we might need that bag, and I am not about to set myself on fire. If you want to rip up some of your tunic though, maybe a sleeve we might be able to wrap it around something in the bag and see if we can’t make a torch.”


ETA: “I think light is more important than clothing right now.”

The bag contains four full wineskins, some bread wrapped in cloth, some cheeses, and some salted meat. Probably pork.

None of you are terribly accustomed to eating cheese or salted meats, but you can go for a few days on what’s here.

ok, well let’s try to get a fire started then.

:grabs two rocks and anything that feels like it might be kindling. Forms more rocks to create a fire pit and puts the kindling and cloth from ruggers sleeve into the pit. Starts banging the rocks together.:

It’s fairly obvious that either you’ve forgotten your camping skills, or you never had them in the first place. All you can manage is to smash your finger.

The rest of you start to think that this guy must be some sort of city boy.

“OUCH! Little help here?”

::opens a wineskin and sniffs to determine whats in it::

“I wonder whats in here? Maybe it’s flameable.”

I don’t think that wine is flamable.

Generally it isn’t, so if it’s wine we are out of luck.

Are you sure it isn’t Everclear or Bacardi 151? Cause that would really help with this whole fire thing.

“Does anyone feel anything like a stick? I have a vague notion about rubbing sticks to make sparks.”

::Gingerly feels around for a stick::

Antinor, you don’t need no stinkin’ sticks. You almost instinctively find the right kind of rocks, strike them in just the right way, and presto, you’ve got a nice little fire going.

Hey, maybe you’re an outdoorsman of some sort.

You can now see to find a few combustable things. They won’t keep you going for long, but you’ve got fire. You can also tell that there is a slight breeze.

Now that you can see, you can see each other. glee and Antinor look to be in their late 20s or early 30s. Antinor is a pretty boy. NAF and Santo are older, maybe mid 40s. Santo has a patch over one eye and looks like a mean sumbitch.

I need to sign off for now – I’ll be back in about 13 hours.

(Woohoo! I get to be the hot one!)

“Well, that’s certainly better. I wonder how I did that…hmm. Since it seems that introductions are in vain at this point we should explore. These few supplies won’t last long.”

starts to search around the area for anything useful