Lion vs Bear who has won more in the past?

Perhap’s. XD

Hoh? I posted this thread before the lion vs tiger thread an the L vs T got double the views in half the time…Hmm, looks like a lion an tiger match up is more intresting Kinda like Bruce lee vs Chuck norris or Sly vs Schwarzternieger, Godzilla vs King kong type, alot of hype.

Or maybe Mike tyson vs Muhamid ali or Goku vs Superman XD XD So many good catagories an good match ups come to mind.

lion vs tiger got shut down…oh well’s no biggie, well guess you all can erase this one too then…say la vi

The lion with a tiger as his second.

Yogi would soooo kick Snaglepuss’’ ass…

Is the bear armed?

Just to inject some seriousness into this (yeah, I know, too late)- According to QI, bears win. The reasoning is that bears are, in general, just tougher. They used, as evidence, records of this fight being done in bear-bating pits, and that bears tended to crush the skulls of lions. The bears would often die later from wounds sustained, but they tended to survive the initial onslaught well enough to make the kill, whereas the predatory lion tends not to have much in the line of defense.

Maybe you should take up Pokemon.

La vi.

What about if there were TWO lions against ONE bear? What then?

Quite dissapointed really…the mod told me I was a bump junky, I was merely appreciating the fact that I could learn more…I figure the more people view the better the chances of running into someone that can contribute there knowledge.

I mean Fighting ignorance is this sites main theme right?

An I dont think that thread was all that crucial in terms a bad subject…I did make it clear that I wanted it mainly for educational purposes…not really complaining its no biggie…just saying theres like 50 threads about rapes…molesting…killing, an all other types of weird crap I yet my thread gets shut down?

Oh well’s say la vi…thats life, I gues its just a matter of time beofre this thread says adios mucha-cho’s.

Not to speak for the mods but it seems like you’re only interested in fighting ignorance specifically for 1-vs-1 large mammal fighting and participate in threads as such. I do see that you’ve branched out to police dogs recently, which is growth. I do find your research fascinating though and have often told people that I know the world’s foremost chronicler of lion/tiger fights.

A modified Tu-95 Bear was used to drop the 50 megaton Tsar Bomba, the world’s largest nuclear weapon. Foolishly, the Soviets neglected to test this weapon’s effectiveness against lions. However, given that the radius of total destruction was larger than the city of Paris, it’s probably fair to say it would give the lion a serious limp, at the very least.

“Lavi” is Hebrew for lion.


Better fight… both the Lion and Bear in a cage against 5 million fire ants!

Oh? I dident know that, I know say la vi in france means “Thats life” as in oh wells.

It’s c’est la vie.

Well then…c’est la vie…lol

It still sounds like… say…la…vi

Well I guess this forum will have to pounder around threads like… do you piss in the shower.


Oh wells…Au-revoir an Aloha!

Mine does.

It sounds like you’re taking your ball and going home? Feel free to do what you want, but let’s not pretend threads about animal fighting are on some elevated moral plane above threads about peeing.

Although I do agree with you about Michael Vick.