Man... Linda Hamilton's looking a bit rough for 52!

That hideous divorce may be why she looks a little rough around the edges. I’d kill for her body…I can’t tell if she kept up the workout from that picture, but jayzuz…just beautiful.

Exactly. Not normal aging. Aging in the presence of sun and smoke - dude, she smoked herself like a country ham!

LOL. No, actually Fawcett (Feb, 1947) has a decade on Hamilton (Sept, 1956). Hamilton’s teenage years, I can’t really blame her for, but she continued smoking and suntanning long after we all knew it wasn’t good for you. The tanning was likely under pressure to conform to Hollywood ideals, and the smoking may have been as well (to stay thin). And those things shouldn’t be ignored any more than anorexic starlets should be today. We should be aware that this is what happens when you do dangerous things to your body in the name of sex appeal and then don’t cover it up with plastic surgery down the line.

I find her quite attractive.

Looks as if she has a personality and some interesting life experiences.

I like that.

I’m 53, have done more than my share of tanning, smoked two packs a day for 20 years (though I did quit in '99), do not wear make-up, am perimenopausal, and have not had plastic surgery. Oh, and I’m a feminist, and have no problem with women who look their age – I am one of them.

I just spent five minutes making faces in the mirror, and could not come up with anything close to that level of shar-pei-ery.


Her looks are age-appropriate for someone who spent a lot of time outdoors, IMO. Not everybody ages the same, nor does their skin react the same to smoking, sun, etc.

She definitely has “smoker’s face.”

That’s not attractive, but still better than plastic surgery and botox.

Really? I saw her and thought how glad I am that my wife and I didn’t look that old when we were her age. In normal-person, not Hollywood, terms, she looks ten years older than she is.

Seems to me to be more of a bad-angle, bad-lighting photograph.

No, she was looking rode-hard-and-put-away-wet when she made T2, 17 years ago.

I’d most surely do her. I think she’s attractive.

Agreed. She looked at least a decade older than the 34 she was when that was shot and well older than the 29 the character was supposed to be.

Call your parents and thank them for your genes. My best friend smoked, and she had crow’s feet and those parenthetical wrinkles on either side of her mouth by the time we were both 25. You lucked out, but cigarette smoke is horribly drying.

i **am **52. :stuck_out_tongue:
i’d like to be linda hamilton just for the body!

I’m not saying I don’t have laugh lines around my eyes, and smile lines around my mouth, and “I raise my eyebrows a lot” lines on my forehead – I’m just saying that even when I grimace, it ain’t as bad as the photo in the OP.

Ditto for me. I’m 52 and went to look at myself in the mirror just now. I’m not one-tenth as wrinkly as Linda. Then again, I left off sunbathing a good couple of decades ago and I’ve never smoked.

My 50 year old mother, 78 yer old grandmother and 67 year old neighbor don’t even remotely look as worn down as she does there. Nor do 90% of the people I’ve met that are over 50.

She doesn’t look good or graceful, she looks like a barfly.

But, I will admit she doesn’t have to measure up to anyone’s standards as long as she’s happy with how she looks. If I were her I would also prefer to look older than I am rather than go under the knife because I’m afraid of what people will think of me.

It’s not misogyny. It’s shallow objectivation, but not misogyny. You may wish to purchase a dictionary, as it might help you learn the difference in the definitions.

I did a search earlier today and checked out what seemed to be fairly recent photos. Looks to me like the photo referenced catches her at an extremely bad moment/angle. Yes, she looks a little rough (but still awesome,) but nowhere near the vicinity portrayed by that photo.

No, it’s misogyny, because this kind of “looksism” or whatever is far more frequently applied to women than to men.