Holy shit! That's some plastic surgery.

This, apparently, is Renee Zellwegger.

I’ve always said she should get something done about her squinty eyes, but good lord.

That’s much better.

Not seeing the horror.

She’s lost all her quirkiness. Looks like somebody’s mom.

Interesting. Do we think she’s pulled a Jennifer Grey or no?

She’s not aging well at all.

I’d have to see her in a role to judge. She’d have to learn to stop scrunching up her face, which she probably did to make her squinties look “cute.” Hard change to make after 25+ years.

Would have little to do with making her less irritating as an actress, IMHO. She has a squinty, scrunchie, cute style that grates on me.

Because she looks like a different person?

Because she looks like no different person in particular? She’s become utterly generic. Not a fan of her previous look, but at least you knew who you were looking at.

It’s botox. Hell, they could make her stop blinking with enough of the stuff.

Looks like another Jennifer Grey-type mistake. Don’t mess with success. She’s older and probably needed a touchup (and new boobs) but this isn’t the face that the movie-ticket buying public fell in love with. She might still get work as “shopper #3” or “2nd girl in car”???

She doesn’t look terrible, but I think the plastic surgery accelerated her aging by a few years. Not by much, but she’d have been better off without it.

But to be sure, does anyone have a recent before picture?

Agreed. I think Sterling Archer nailed it with his comment that she looks like someone’s mom.

Oh my goodness. I would have not recognized her. It’s like what Kenny Rogers did.

I’m not sure that’s botox work alone. Maybe it’s gotten that sophisticated, but it would have to make some major muscles droop jussssst enough to keep from looking like a stroke victim. A wrinkle-muscle is one thing. Major expression muscles are quite another.

She had her boobs done right after “Chicago.” Might be time for a replacement, though.

Her hooters were never her problem, nor could they be made asset enough to overcome squinchy-facing, both physical and techniquenical.

Yeah, I agree.

Nope. She has a lot of lines and her skin looks tired. Is/was she a smoker?

She also looks like she lost a lot of weight in her face, which is ageing.

She doesn’t look like herself anymore. I’m trying to imagine how that must feel when looking in the mirror. I thought she was perfectly cute before, but hopefully she isn’t unhappy with the results.

I think Berkeley Breathed had you both beat. Here.

That dress looks like it’d be ticklish in the back.

Awww…she went from “That’s Renee Zellwegger” to “blonde actress, mid-40s”.