Marvel Agents of SHIELD

I liked it. The cast is a little crowded and I think I might be starting to tire of the Whedon pitter-pat dialog but this was good.

A few random points:

Hacker-Girl was insanely hot.

I was hoping Gunn would become a regular.

I wonder if Robin from HIMYM will become a regular next season when that show ends.

I enjoyed it. And I think Coulson is Vision.

It’s a Joss Whedon show.

Jed, of course, is Joss’ brother. The show’s third creator is Maurissa Tancharoen, who is Jed’s wife. The three of them co-wrote Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

I liked it a lot. Looking forward to the season.,

I really enjoyed it. I thought Phil’s entrance was great - he really ties the show together. And I really liked the line “With great power comes… a bunch of really weird stuff you’re not prepared to deal with!”

It was a pretty good pilot. Introduce the characters, spread some mystery about them, have a quick problem and resolution. I assume next week will go deeper into their adversaries. Probably introduce the season-long arc that you know is coming.

Only think I didn’t really like was Fitz & Simmons. Hopefully they’ll tune or remove those characters soon.

I bet we’ll eventually find out Howard Stark built it for SHIELD, since he’s one of the founders, and was showing a not-quite functional flying car in Captain America.

The episode took place in L.A, and next one is supposedly in South America. I think they’ll be spreading the locales around a bit. Why else have a cool flying command center, complete with a garage, lab, and interrogation room?

My guess was clone. Robot/cyborg also works.

That was my thought, too. She’s going to need a new series soon. :slight_smile:

Halfway in, I like it a lot. There was a lot of Joss in it, in a good way.

My pre-teen son thought the flying car was awesome. that’s pretty much the level of the gag. “You have ten minutes to decide.” Oh, whoops! Car flies! I was shocked and awed at that surprise I didn’t see coming. not.

I liked it a lot. It was fun, light and good family entertainment. My son was so looking forward to it that he circled the date on the calendar. I’m pretty sure it will be a family show for us and we haven’t had that in a long time.

She is in comic book time. :wink:

I’ll have a look around and see if there’s anywhere online I can watch it. Fingers crossed.

One thing I noticed is that I think the preview for next week talked about a five man team. In the pilot they seemed to be established six core team members: Coulson, Ward, May, Skye, Fitz, and Simmons.

It’s too early for Whedon to kill anyone yet - he’d want to string us along a little while first. So I’m thinking one of the characters may be revealed as a traitor and turn into an ongoing opponent. If so, I’m guessing Simmons - the two scientist characters are redundant so one of them could be spared. And I figure Simmons would be the traitor because Whedon would rather have a female antagonist.

Kinda loved it. But that was a given seeing as to who made it, who’s in it and the source material.

5 man team - Coulson is their control, not a member of the team.

I thought it was good fun… struck a mix between being Whedon-y (which I love) and being comic book-y (which I enjoy).
I’m bad with faces, and I can’t tell the various young attractive women apart yet, but I’m sure I’ll get there.
Was the red-glow-boom-disease the same one from Iron Man 3?

There’s Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen) - She’s the former field agent who now wants to avoid field work.
There’s Skye (Chloe Bennet) - She’s the hacker that got brought into SHIELD.
There’s Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) - She’s the scientist with the British accent.

Yes, they identified it in the show as Extremis.

Jeez, now I remember why I read D.C. as a kid. I just went to Wikipedia and read up on this “Vision” character, and I still have no idea what it is, and as a bonus, I’m more confused about other things now. His body was thought to have been created from the “android original Human Torch”. . . android. . .what? The Human Torch was an android?

I’m hoping Coulson’s Big Secret isn’t anything terribly confusing.

No. There were two characters called “The Human Torch”: the one you’re thinking of from the Fantastic Four, and one from World War II who killed Hitler.

Think of it like the Alan Scott Green Lantern and the Green Lantern Corps Green Lanterns.

Oh, well, of course. :smiley:

OK, now I’m a little more clued in on the Human Torch character, and how we won WWII. Thanks!

What’s a “LMD”?

I enjoyed it. I think there’s a fair bit of improvement left, but it’s a pilot and I have faith that Whedon can tune it up.

One thing - are we supposed to know who Agent May is? As in has the character appeared in any of the existing marvelverse movies?

Life Model Decoy

A robot/android designed to seamlessly replicate an individual. A well worn trope in the Marvelverse comics to make it appear someone is dead when they’e actually not.

Actually since this seems to be THE Shield thread I’m going to request my op get deleted or edited . I may not have liked it but don’t want a poo poo post to be the opening post on an otherwise constructive thread.

Sorry folks!