My daughter is into something called Otep. Should I be concerned.

So you’re saying being a lesbian, vegetarian, animal rights activist are lifestyle choices an artist will get opprobrium and “heat” for in the alternative music industry?


No kidding! I mean, what’s an artist got to do to be “edgy” nowadays? Kill kittens on stage?!

Well, he let his daughter listen to Otep and now he’s banned from this message board. I think the lesson is clear.

I just wonder what I originally wrote in post 16 that I quickly reconsidered. Probably some lame pun about Imhotep.

First rule of teenage music, if your dad likes it there is something wrong.

If you really want to know, ask a Mod. They can see through the Great Edit Shroud, if I remember correctly.

Well, it might have been something about Dio’s daughter. I recall that I used to enjoy making comments about his daughters in threads where he mentioned them and/or what a strict shotgun-toting father he was going to be when they were old enough to start dating, not out of any particular disregard for them personally, but because it bugged him or at least that was the goal.

Probably just a phase she’s going through.

No worries, unless she starts growing fangs and wants to drink your blood


It’s not a lame pun but my thought: <in a whispered voice> “If you chant ‘Otep’ three times to a mirror by candlelight at midnight, it turns you into a lesbian, vegetarian animal rights activist. Really, it happened to my friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s cousin.”

I thought it went “First rule of teenage music, if your dad likes it, there’s something not wrong enough with it.”

I like Ani diFranco, but was completely ignorant of the existence of Otep.
I like angsty college lesbian music but don’t actually know any angsty college lesbians. I should take a class or something.

Of course not. It’s just something the teenybopper fans of some of these bands like to say to each to make them feel even more “hardcore.”

[This perfectly normal thing] my favorite band supports is really challenging the establishment and people don’t like it! Yeah!"

Bull and shit.

“If she switches to country, will she be called Bubba Otep?”
You should be deeply ashamed.

Somebody oughtta be.

I don’t even know why I bothered with this thread, since any time the question is “my child is interested in X, should I be worried?” my answer is going to be “no”, it doesn’t even matter that it’s a zombie.

My daughter is interested in a zombie. Should I be worried?

Only if she has a big delicious braaaaaaain.

Otep is of an ancient origin. It mean Creative Offerings. And it is not only the band name, but it is the lead singers real name, Otep Shamaya.

I know its been awhile since this post. And I hope wholeheartedly you’ve let your daughter be a Tribe member since this… That’s what we call ourselves… The Tribe of Otep. Otep’s like minded souls, who appreciate her poetic, rebellious, honest and creative offerings. We aren’t just “Otep Fans.” We’re Artists and Activists, like herself. We “stand up, speak out and strike back” for the innocent, for the rights of all creatures on this Earth, for the quiet kids in school, for the outcasts, for the ones creating themselves in original and unique ways that others don’t or won’t understand. We Create and express ourselves through the Arts. Through Drawing or Painting, Music, Literature, Dance or Poetry. Through being Active! And letting our passions be our voice.

I know our, when I say “our” I refer to the younger generations music scene, may put parents into a worry. And I can understand, with bands and artists like A Perfect Circle or Eminem… I am twenty three and have no children of my own, but I already fear for my future children’s musical tastes.

But I have to tell you, understanding, hardworking, respectable parents, Otep Shamaya is a woman you want your daughters to look up to as a role model. Forget Beyonce, Rihanna, Avril Lavigne and countless other worthless talents.

Otep Shamaya uses her talent! She’s an activist in her community and state. She donates of herself, her time and her earnings to charity and to support human and animal rights. She is not only a musician, but an author. She’s into politics and the government and how that effects us all. She appreciates her fans, she has meet and greets after every show they preform after always pouring her heart out on stage, where she not only signs merch and takes photos, but takes the time to talk to and hug and get to know her fans. She even prices her merchandise so its affordable to us, and sells her personal artwork… She is a loyal spiritual person. And all of her music centers around empowerment, enlightenment and the power of The People.

I have been a Tribe member since her first album way back when I was twelve. I went to my Mom with Otep, who doesn’t care for Metal at all, but we have an open relationship and I always went to her with the things I had found and loved, which I still do. My Mom has always trusted me to govern myself respectfully and responsibly, which I have and always will do. My Mom still buys me Otep merch and CDs to this day…

I have been to three shows and after all of them she talks with my spouse and I, remembers us! And gives us countless thanks and says her goodbyes to us with, Namaste, because she remembers we share the same spiritual views.

Otep Shamaya is a beautiful woman, who’s passion is to help bring confidence and empowerment to others.

After this they may need to change the name to Twice-Baked Zombie.

This thread seems to have attracted a shill.

At this late date, do you think Dio’s daughter is embarrassed that she was ever a fan of Otep? She must be all of 14 by now. :rolleyes: