My poor teeth

Bloody teeth, and a mouthful of blood?

You should have had this done on the 31st!

Yikes. Hope it goes as smoothly as possible for you.

Remember, there are some painkillers you can combine and others you shouldn’t - for example, you can take a paracetemol(acetaminophen)/codeine pill AND an ibuprofen one - you can alternate the doses so that as one is wearing off, the other is kicking in.

Congratulations! You’ll get through the painful part in no time. You’ll be having that big hunk of steak and grinning through the whole meal. Just this part, and no more pain ever!

As of this minute, the bleeding seems to have diminished considerably but hasn’t stopped. I have taken one Vicodin tablet and am not due for another one until around eight o’clock; I hope I won’t need it but I expect I will. If I had my codeine pills, I would feel a compulsion to take them even if I felt no pain. I don’t feel any compulsion to take the Vicodin. I wonder why that is? I must be feeling silly due to blood loss.

Anyway, the recovery progresses.

The oral surgeon told me to do this with Aleve, after the pain is pretty much under control: A Vicodin when due and an Aleve when the Vicodin begins to wear off and it’s not time for another. I hope to be doing this by tomorrow and maybe even tonight. There is a lot less pain than I expected, frankly, but its only been about four hours since the extractions.

Well, best wishes for a speedy recovery. The pain shouldn’t get anywhere near as bad as toothache can often be.

I cannot imagine going through that; how long did it take?

Best of luck to you when you get your new choppers. Ask for one slightly crooked tooth, just so they look authentic!

Actually, being numbed up hurt a lot more than the extractions. I had three rough spots when the oral surgeon was putting in the stitches but not as rough as the injections to deaden the rough, if that makes sense. The entire process took just under two hours; I think I had seventeen teeth to pull but that part was easy. A lot of the total time was spent waiting for the local to kick in.

Take care of your teeth, kids. Protect that smile.

I don’t have dentures but after a scary lecture from my dentist I began to search the internet to find out what the denture thing was all about and stumbled across this message board which you may find helpful.

Well just think of how much smiling you’ll be able to do once you have a nice new set of teeth.

No reason to go around hiding the hold choppers :slight_smile:

As of today, it has been six days since my teeth were ripped from my jaws and it’s my gums I want to talk about. They feel as if I have toasted them daily with a damned blowtorch and every time I attempt to install my new dentures, I want to burn the oral surgeon at the stake. My gums are more painful today than they were the day I had the work done. Putting my dentures in my mouth is sort of like being a fire eater; it hurts so back I just want to shout out loud. Being a native Texan, I can’t, or course, do that.
Per instructions, I am using the ‘Sea-Bond’ liners; I am very careful as to how I put the dentures in and I have returned to the clinic for advise and adjustments every day since the surgery was done. I have to remove the dentures to eat and I’m so sick of rice pudding I could scream. I’ve had so much salt water in my mouth that I feel like a shark and nothing seems to help. Is this the normal experience?

I don’t know about anything except wisdom tooth holes healing, and all I can tell you is that your mouth heals very fast (the fastest part of your body, I believe). Patience, young padawan. :slight_smile:

Can you change up the types of pudding you’re eating? Drink some Ensure? Eat cheesy mashed potatoes?

I asked hubby about this and he didn’t remember having that much trouble with his. He only has a partial though - I think four teeth was all they pulled, he had already had some others pulled. I hope it gets better soon. :frowning: