Note to Conservatives: I am not out to destroy the world.

Not only that, but the whole situation right now feeds straight into the hands of the morons running this country.

If there are no attacks (for whatever reason) then they can claim that their strategies are working, and that they need to continue invading foreign countries and eroding civil liberties at home.

If there is an attack, then this will simply be seen as evidence that their strategies are not being pursued vigorously enough, and that they need to continue invading foreign countries and eroding civil liberties at home.

It’s a beautiful thing, if you’re an administration chickenhawk.

And don’t forget that us “sane” ones are the ones responsible for ruining the country, ha!


Be vewy, vewy quiet, I’m hunting weftists, hehehehehehehehehehe!

Ironic in that in Lincoln’s second inaugural speech (March 1865), he said this:

Not exactly the words of a leader in my opinion…more like a fire and brimstone sermon. If you’re going to look for leadership, try finding it in yourself – not elected officials of any generation.

I do not deserve to be compared with talk radio morons. I do not EVER make generalizations about conservatives or a Republicans as a whole. I’m just antiBush.

I’m pretty far left economically and a social libertarian (that includes gun rights despite my personal distaste for much of the gun culture.

I have never been a member of any political party.


You apparently think all conservatives either hate their grandchildren, or they want to destroy the planet, or possibly both.

So, do you prefer Rush or Hannity as a nickname? :smiley:




Referencing the election of Bush.

It took me about 3 minutes to find these quotes of yours. I am simply stunned that you could tell such a bald-faced lie. Well, not actually stunned. Not really surprised either. Your credibility here has taken some major hits recently, and now I know why.

Great simulpost!

Maybe Coulter would be a better nickname? :smiley:

Cough, cough.


[whistles softly to himself]


I’m sure I could go on, but I assume you get my point.

This is not to say that I’m above the occasional foray into lowbrow shots at the opposition. I’d like to think I generally am, but I’m sure there are posts out there in which my gloves drop below the belt. But sometimes self-awareness is part of improvement. So I hope you’ll take this in the spirit of hopeful improvement, because I find your non-political posts to be generally wonderful, and I hope that your wonderfulness can extend into the political arena, too.

Maybe someday we can discuss the merits of his presidency and the context of that quote, but I don’t want to hijack this thread. Your point, on the hand, is well-taken. I was referring to leadership in the sense of how a politically elected individual can affect a county’s sense of unity, and other such qualities. Lincoln pretty clearly suceeded in leading this country through its most difficult period.

However, I am now extraordinarily looking forward to Dio’s response…

Yes, but the difference is that us lefty types can pick up a newspaper and see which side is actually doing the destroying…

A mistake, in my opinion. You are not a part of their target market anyway, and therefore your tuning out will have no effect on them. Instead, it pushes your enemy out of sight and mind — exactly the sort of strategic blunder that has put the left out of touch.

Well, while a couple of Hamlet’s examples seem to cast some doubt on Dio’s assertion, the examples given by Age Quo Agis are completely beside the point. Dio said:

Of Age Quo Agis’s examples:

In Number 1, Dio is specifically referring to neocons, not conservatives or Republicans as a whole. If you don’t know how these things differ, i suggest some reading is in order.

Number 2 is referring to “warhawks.” Again, this doesn’t apply to all conservatives, or all Republicans.

Number 3 simply suggested that there might be some contemporary parallels to Hitler’s use of propaganda, scapegoating, and nationalist rhetoric. And it said that “Bush lacks vision.”

Number 4 refers specifically to a subset of conservatives who complain about Michael Moore without ever having seen his movies. Hardly a blanket condemnation of all conservatives or all Republicans.

You might want to work on your reading comprehension, A.Q.A..

Not all conservatives believe in binding people to one social order, binding Church and State, taking away peoples rights.

We profess freedom of the individual, the right to work and be as successful as you can, to work and attain what you want within a free society.

And a free society detains people without due process right?

What is this free society you speak of?

Thank you, mhendo.

I rest my case. After all that searching, not one of you fuckers could come up with an example of me making generalizations about conservatives or Republicans. I said shit about neocons. I said shit about conservatives who trash Michael Moore without watching his movies. I said the Republican party is “ultra-nationalist” (which it is) and I made an election night generalizations about AMERICANS, not just consrvatives.

I was right. I will accept your fucking apologies now…and Hamlet can eat my taint.

Did you actually read those things? Which one of those quotes constitutes a generalization about conservatives or Republicans. Surely you know the difference between conservatives and neocons. My last quote was about a majority of American voters, not just conservatives (unless you think only conservatives voted for Bush). In the first quote I facetiously call the GOP “ultra-nationalist” and a “militia movement” and I think that both of those characterizations are rhetorically defensible.

What I do NOT do is constantly talk about how conservative hate America or how conservatives are stupid or any of that shit that those right wing radio assholes do. I am viciously anti-Bush but I do not divide the world into “us and them” and that has never been a characteristic of my posting here.

Please define what you believe a free country is and please give me an example of a country that does not allow a detention without the right to due process of law and does it without exception. I don’t believe one exists. Is this statement purely rhetorical or is it serious?

Ah…well…if other countries do it that makes it ok.
Of course we actually have it written in our Constitution but I guess Constitutions were made to be pissed on.