NYC Dopers - Help! I shall be stranded in NYC!

In the future, will usually get you a cheap place to stay. Even if a place says they are sold out, just give them a call, as hostellers are highly irresponsible and don’t always show up. If you are willing to put up with a gay neighborhood, you could have spent the evening in Chelsea for 15 bucks! :slight_smile:

Well, maybe 20 bucks, but the cockroaches are still usually dead before you see them, so it’s a good deal.

By the way, Eats Crayons, have an absolute blast!!! Better time than if you brought HER with you!!! Then spend a day regaling her with all the activities you did and how much fun you had!

“Brought her…?” Oh, no, no, no, no… She lives in NYC. Well, Queens actually. I have no place to stay because she’s got work to do at home and “needs solitude”…

Oh, we’ll still be the best of friends. Definitely! What, with all our mutual respect and goodwill. And we still care so much for each other. But hit the bricks sweetie! Good luck! Uh-huh, buh-bye! Don’t get killed or anything! Toodle-oo.

Little me, petite female from another country, wandering the cold streets of NYC at night, alone, alone, for the holidays…

I’m actually really genuinely appalled.

I mean okay. There’s bad timing. But fer f–k’s sake, I’d at least have the human decency of saying “Sure you can stay under my roof at night, but make yourself scarce during the day. I’ve got work to do.” Or at least call around and see if any friends could take me in – I don’t know anyone in NYC aside from Dopers I’ve never met IRL.

I should go pit that little… :mad:

“Put up with…”? Why as a proud, card-carrying queer, I’d be all over that! Take my sensible footwear over to the village… Get me a new girlfriend. So there! Hmph!

I Feel pretty, oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gaaaaaaaay!..

(Damn, I’ve got that stuck in my head!)

Jeez, that’s right around the corner…but I’m not in the office on Monday [I’ll probably be *stuck* getting my arse handed to me in videogames]

OK so I think I’m establishing that we work in the same building, or very close to it.

It’s your boss! Run away! Run away!

Nah, luckily my boss lives in another state :wink:

Oh, man, I’m missing an ImpromptuDope?

I’d have been happy to offer you my futon if I weren’t hauling ass back to Buffalo on the 22nd.

Dabs at tear in eye

I can’t believe how generous and gracious you New Yorkers are (well, in stark contrast to that other New Yorker who got me into this mess.)! Great folks on this board. Really.

And Ace if you’re based in Buffalo, keep an eye out for the TorontoDopes and the occasional Niagara Dope.

On the off chance that any of your accomodations fall through, and you’re really desperate, you’re always welcome to make the 2.5+ hour trek with me to my place in Connecticut. Unfortunately, that involves train fare (about 25 bucks round trip) but it’s there if you need it.

Wow, do you commute that every day?

I wish I could say no, but yes, unless I telecommute, which lately has been about once a month.

Nah, I’m a lowly Buffalonian transplant to lower Manhattan for law school, but I’m headed back for Christmas and New Year’s.

Hey, would any or all of you peoples be interested in dinner and drinks get-together on the evening of the 26th?

I’d be up for it if I could find a cheap hotel for that night because after last night’s fiasco of trying to get home after 9 at night, I’m not going to want to come into the city just to turn around and come home and then come back again.

Oo! I’ll go! I’ll go! I’m sure to want to put my feet up for a bit after trudging around NY all day.

On 5th, between the shoe store and Orvis outdoor wear? I’m on the 20th floor, but my contract ends in about a month - at which point I could end up anywhere from the flat-iron district to Milwaukee. I’m hoping for flat-iron.

That’d be the one… I work on 7.

What a small world, I meant to add.

If you smoke, or walk in and out of the building during the day, you’ve probably walked past me.