Radio hosts you miss

Chicago-areans in 70’s and 80’s will miss with me Old Uncle Lar and Little Tommy from WLS - espcially their Animal Stories.

Steckler was awesome when he got irate about something.

Is the Cannon Mess still on in Minneapolis?

I miss Joe Tait, who did Indians broadcasts for about 5 years in the '70s. He’d always say “It’s a BEAUTIFUL day (or night) for baseball!” even if it was pouring down rain at gametime. :stuck_out_tongue:

I miss –

Derek McGinty, who did a two-hour public interest program for many years on WAMU in Washington. He was an absolutely fantastic interviewer, always getting to the heart of his guests’ and callers’ comments, and also had a kind of geek appeal (his was a Star Trek and video game fan). Much, much better than WAMU’s current hosts, Diane Rehm and Kojo Nnamde.

McGinty now does television – I’ve seen him on WJLA-TV and on Bryant Gumbel’s sports show on HBO – but it’s oh-so-shallow stuff. He’s wasting his talents (although probably making a lot more money).

Jack (?) Carney, who hosted a weekly comedy show out of St. Louis. I think he died in the late 1980s or early 1990s. That show was my first exposure to Monty Python and other comedy greats (I had only four channels on television).

Edwards is still on the radio – “Bob Edwards Weekend” on Public Radio International.

I’m amazed that there are no nominations yet for WJR’s J.P. McCarthy. Died much too soon, and the morning commute still isn’t the same without him.

Of course there’s Ernie Harwell doing the Tiger games. His voice could lower your blood pressure by 30 points, so smooth and easy, yet so knowledgeable.

Get your Grease fix here.

What the hell, I’m going to have to go with DeeJays from LA’s famous rock station, KHJ. Charlie Tuna, Machine Gun Kelly, Robert W. Morgan, Humble Harve, and The Real Don Steel.

I kind of remember Dennis Erectus, because of his name, but I do remember the station tagline, “There’s cum in your left ear, there’s cum in your right ear…”. I always found that amusing. And the FCC fines people for accidentally saying “fuck”? WTF?

I shed a tear for Chick.

All on CBC radio:

I came here to mention Peter Gzowski. Morningside was a wonderful program because of Peter Gzowski, who excelled in interviewing people from all walks of life.

I agree on Vicki Gabereau, though I enjoyed her more on radio than on t.v. Somehow it just wasn’t the same.

I also miss Arthur Black. The quirkiness of his Saturday morning show was very appealing to me. You never knew quite who he might be interviewing because it could be nearly anybody.

Finally, I miss Alan Maitland from As it Happens.

Man, I listen to CBC radio a lot.

Is this the same maniac that I used to hear decades ago? He talked of “Highsteppers” and “Depth Charges” and such. I used to hear him on WAPE radio out of Jacksonville, Fl. many years back.

Yeah, that’s him. He had been on a couple of stations prior to that but WAPE was the first place he was really popular.

Wolfman Jack. He just seemed like the epitome of cool and his turn in Motel Hell was hilarious.

I miss him and his show, The Midnight Special. :frowning: Hope he’s howlin’ happily wherever he’s at.

Jim Ladd.

Wasn’t his partner, Ralph Kiner, the somewhat addled one? (Ralph did play in the era before batting helmets, you know.)

I always thought Bob was the one who had it all together, Ralph was a little scattershot, and good ol’ Lindsey Nelson was just color- and pattern-blind.

Another vote for Wolfman Jack. He was one cool dude.


I’m from Jax, too! I remember the “High Steppers”! I was in junior high school (Landon) during his heyday.


He’s still on in Los Angeles (95.5 KLOS) but it’s weird having him come on early. He’s got the 8 pm - 1 am shift now. He’s back to doing the free form stuff he was doing at KMET. I still vividly remember listening to his show the night John Lennon was murdered. Sadness, confusion, and anger all poured out, seemingly simultaneously. He even got away with playing “Working Class Hero” multiple times with the F-bombs intact, and nobody went crying to the FCC.
Speaking of KMET… I miss KMET. Cynthia Fox is at KLOS, but I miss Paraquat Kelly (there’s a dated moniker), Mary Turner, Jeff Gonzer and Ace Young, and Dr. Demento. I know Demento is still syndicated, but no station in his hometown carries the show. Nearest is an AM station in Ventura, which I can’t get.

More recently, I miss Dicky Barrett from Indie 103. The former Mighty Mighty Bosstones singer had great guests and good conversations about music, but got fired for being too political.

I miss Rodney on the ROQ. Technically, he’s still on the air, but KROQ has moved him to such a crappy timeslot (Monday morning, midnight - 3 am) he might as well be off the air. Meanwhile, they have room for Loveline 6 nights a week :rolleyes:

I was in the studio audience one morning when he was on WARW in DC. It was…interesting.

Jean Shepherd.

I miss Andy Serwer from CNN’s American Morning . I think he went on to be a CEO of some company or other.
Garrison Keillor From Prarie Home Companion had the perfect radio voice. I’ll miss him also.
And, lastlly, Dr. Demento. A fine arts connisewer. :slight_smile: Don’t hear him much on the East Coast.

I grew up listening to Johnny Most broadcasting the basketball games of the Celtics. I never really enjoyed the games, but he made the fun, and exciting to listen to. It’s a rare talent, I think, and one that’s passing as TV has become the prevalent medium.