Reformed Lurkers' Chat Space

I read all of the columns online in about 2000 and then found the message board shortly after that and lurked for quite a long time before signing up. Ironically, when I lurked I mostly just read the Great Debates, which is a forum I very rarely participate in now.

Still lurk, mostly. But started my own actual topic on a TV show I enjoy because nobody else did!

Still, on most posts, somebody has already said what I think/feel, so there’ s no need for me to chime in.

Well, I’ve done quite well I think, proportionally - but I will endeavour to start 2 threads and make 10 or maybe even 20 posts today. How’s about that? :slight_smile:

Not bad. Not bad at all. :slight_smile:

ETA: Go Crumpet!

That ought to get you closer to “reformed” for sure. I’ll watch for your threads and reply if I can think of something worth adding.

Thanks, Cat and Zeldar!

I have made a thread in Cafe Society. Not sure what the next thread I will create is going to be as I don’t have anything obvious to post about and don’t want to force anything, as that would be a bit rubbish. Actually the CS thread was a tiny bit forced if I’m totally honest! I’m sure somehting will come to mind.

Now to read a lot of threads, and hope I can think of helpful contributions to make!

Well, you know, they don’t all have to be helpful, you old crumpet spanker, you.

I shall gracefully ignore that comment Missus Whisper

(well, drunkenly)

Just bumping this on the offchance I can get other lurkers out of their shell? If you don’t want to post, maybe you can PM me or other people and show you exist!

I was a lurker back when the board was pay to post, because I didn’t want to pay to post and then never have anything to say. Turns out, I needn’t have worried.

I think one of the reasons I started posting was that I felt empathy for people who didn’t know I existed, and I thought that was a little bit weird. They probably still don’t know, but at least they can see a little about me if they do.

So just so everyone knows: if you ever posted about having a hard time, I cared.

Yeah, if you went through a hard time here, there was a bunch of lurkers on your side.

One of them’s even been known to pray for you… but I would never say that, 'cause it sounds a little stalkerish.

Working on reformed. That said, I first registered before the board crashed in 2000. My registration got eaten, so that set me back a couple years. After which the board was pay to post, so that muted me for awhile as well. Other than that, it’s mostly been lack of anything to add, I guess?

I can’t beleive I started a dog thread and with over 160 views it hasn’t got a reply. I thought dog threads here had eveyrone falling in love - or maybe that’s only cat therads :smiley:

And with them being the best dogs in the world, it’s doubly strange…

Yeah, I know, I should start a blog… but I’m starting to post all over the place now! Very addictive.

I was toying with the idea of starting a new thread on the topic of Lurkers until I searched on the keyword lurker* in thread titles and found 63 such threads, with this one being the most recent that I had had anything to do with.

So this is just a bump to see who might want to “break their silence” for a moment or two.

If you use the User CP in the blue bar at the top left of your screen, then click on Your Profile, and then click on Show All Statistics, you should see *Posts Per Day: * and some number. If that number is way less than 1, something like .001, then you can consider yourself a Lurker for purposes of this thread. Or use your own definition if you think of yourself as 'mostly a reader."

Or if you were a Lurker and now have become more active in the posting department, then it’s up to you what to do next. :smiley:

I joined in 2004 and posted a bit, and then went into lurk mode til recently :slight_smile:

If I post twice in a zombie thread, then my lurker status takes a horrid hit.

So I’m not posting.

Seems it’s time to step forward and admit to my lurkish behaviour. I had been sneaking about in the background for several months before joining and now I am the proud purveyor of posts, albeit a handful. When I thought I had something relevant to say, someone had already said it so I crawled back into my cave. But admitting your problem, they say, is a big step in one’s reformation and I stand before you a better man.

Okay, maybe not so much