Resolved: Delaware Does not Exist

Delaware was originally part of Pennsylvania. They broke off when the Penns weren’t paying attention, and nobody even noticed until approximately 1857. Delaware has the distinction of being the northernmost slave state, not abolishing slavery until the 13th Amendment.

Delaware’s main function is keeping Connecticut and Florida separated on lists of the states. Hey, somebodyhas to do it.

Hmm…I noticed that several of my bills goes to banks in this fantasy land called Delaware. If I ignore them, will they send repo-fairires to my house?

A list of people who are supposedly Delaware natives: Gomez Addams, Valerie Bertinelli, Boris Badenov, Divine, Philip Glass, Billie Holiday, H.L. Mencken, Babe Ruth, Upton Sinclair, Superman, John Waters, and Frank Zappa. I ask you, how likely is it that all of these people are from one small state? I think it’s like when the Coneheads claimed to be from France; these people had to say they were from somewhere and “Delaware” was the first thing that popped into their mind. And if these people really exist how come nobody knows what to call them. Everyone’s heard of New Yorkers, Californians, and Texans. But who knows a Delawarian, Delawarite, Delawaroid, or Delawarerer? And can it be a coincidence that the last four letters of “Delaware” are the last four letters of “beware” and that they can be rearranged to spell E-war warning us of their plans to launch electronic warfare from their orbital mind control lasers? And can it be a coincidence that the first four letters of “Delaware” can be rearranged to spell “lead” the only material which can be made into a helmet to block those laser transmissions from entering a human brain? And can it be a coincidence that the odd letters of Delaware are all consonants and the even letters are all vowels? Okay, that last one could be a coincidence. I’m still working out the details here.

I’ve lived in Delaware the last 10 years; even graduated from the University thereof. It’s a pleasant little place. The only problem with Delaware is that (at least in Northern Delaware where I live) there’s not whole lot going on. It’s mostly suburbs and the largest city, Wilmington, is like a ghost town after 9 pm. And our sports teams have weak names. The UD football team is a consistant top 10 team in Div II, but with a name like the “Fighting Blue Hens” it’s kinda hard to be taken seriously. And our local baseball team (Kansas City’s A affliate) is called the Wilmington Blue Rocks. Go figure.

Ah, you have to go to Delaware to enjoy the loveliest of vacations at Slaughter Beach! Nothing like a beach full of horseshoe crabs to make a memorable trip!

/slight Hijack

I was watching Sports Center the other day & they were showing scores from the Little League World Series. There was a team from New Hampshire. My first thought was “what’s a team from England doing in the American pool”. Then I said “Oh Yea, we have a state called New Hampshire”.

At least Delaware has some credit card companies. I say New Hampshire doesn’t really exist

/end slight Hijack

I have been through this so-called Delaware many times, on my way to Hunt Valley, Maryland-- a small stretch of hotels and strip malls that itself may exist only in the mind. I’m not sure if anyone really lives there.

A lot of those people are from **Maryland. **

In fact, these here are all from the fine city of Baltimore, MD:

John Waters
Billie Holliday
Frank Zappa
H.L. Mencken
Philip Glass
Upton Sinclair
Babe Ruth

Valerie Bertinelli is the only confirmed Delaware native (and how on earth do you put Superman in there? He was born on another planer, and wasn’t raised in Delaware either).

See? There really * isn’t * anybody famous who even claims to be from Delaware…

Thank you Myrr. I was just about to bring that up.

Actual Delaware natives (according to IMDB):
Valerie Bertinelli
Judge Reinhold
Elisabeth Shue
Ryan Phillipe
Jessica Darlin
(pornstar featured in such films as Planet of the Gapes)
William Alland (producer of Creature from the Black Lagoon and many MST3k movies)
Yvette Freeman (one of the regular nurses on E.R., also was in the show Working)

Died in Delaware:
Cab Calloway

Well, I’ve driven by Caesar Rodney High School countless times and I don’t know what other state would name something after him. And he did sign the Declaration if Independence under the heading Delaware.
I’ve been to a couple of beaches preported to be in Delaware.
I’ve been to Winterthur Museum also listed as a site in Deleware.
And one of my credit card does hail from there.
So I think Delaware exists, I just think it’s a subversive state.

Has anyone here seen Dark City?
I still am not convinced that Delaware exists outside the imaginings of some crafty and covert cabal of corporate conspirators. The fact that some of the posters here claim to be from Delaware simply means the conspiracy is more widespread and better-organized than I thought. I fear for my hard drive…

It occurs to me that I have never seen a Delaware license plate. Why? I have seen licence plates from Hawaii, Alaska, and even Guam, for crying out loud, but never Delaware. If there were such a state, would its citizens never venture outside its borders?

Caesar Rodney???!!! How made-up can a name be? Where did he sign? Right under Kilroy? Pfffttt! This “Caesar Rodney” person belongs on the list with Gomez Adams, Superman, Boris Badenov, and all the other fictional characters who hail from this pretend “state.”

See, this just reinforces what I’m saying. There cannot possibly be a football team called the “Blue Hens!!” I mean, come on! Who would go to their games??? It’s all a big inside joke for those “in the know.” Don’t you get it?

“Blue Hens.” “Blue Rocks.” I begin to wonder if the color blue has some special meaning to this sinister Delaware group…

Sure Delaware exists…it’s a long strip of land you have to drive through to get to the discount cigarette stores and fireworks stands near Chincoteague, Virginia.

Much like Indiana being a thing one must drive through to get to Chicago, and Connecticut being a thing one must drive through to get to New England.

Besides, all us hep cats and beatniks pay it homage when we say “That guy’s a square, man…strictly a square from Delaware.”

I have actual pictures of signs that say “Welcome to Delaware.” Although, I do have to admit that I never felt particularly welcome there, so the “Delaware” part might have been a lie as well.

And I have pictures of Jackalopes. Your point?

According to there are exactly sixteen famous people buried in Delaware.

Most of them are famous Delaware statesmen, so I suppose getting planted in Delaware after they died was part of the job description, plus the ubiquitous Caesar Rodney.

The other famous person is Bill McGowan, the famous baseball umpire.

Hey, don’t mention it.

Hey, Mrs. O and I have been to Delaware City, where you feel like a king and a king feels like a crazy super coo-coo king.

Oh no wait, that’s Capital City…

Actually we went there to find the Tzeroling and her auntie, who were reportedly there for a Civil War reenactment camp on Pea Patch Island, the site of a Union war prison. But since we didn’t actually find them there we could have dreamed the whole thing up.

Now if Sweden had held onto it instead of selling out to the English, the place woulda been something. All we got now is the Kalmar Nyckel in Wilmington, and even that’s not there all the time.

Now, to address a few pointedly misguided comments…

From andygirl:

No, Cthulu eats you sandwiches. Remember that.
From AWB:

New Hampshire is only like that if you’re driving via Portsmouth to Maine, instead of heading north to the White Mountains like the real adventurers do.

From Fugazi:

Moved to Merrimack in 1973, Hudson in 1986, Nashua in 1992. Driven the length of the state three or four times. Sorry, pal, it’s there. I’d hate to think I chose to flee Vermont because I kinda like the state and I was born there.

Myrr, I write that everyone should be wearing a lead foil helmet to protect themselves from orbiting mind control lasers and the biggest fault you can find with my logic is that I misplaced Baltimore? What can I say, at 2:45 AM I’m easily confused.

For the record however, Superman is indeed a Delaware resident albeit not a native son. The Atlas of the DC Universe clearly states that his hometown, Metropolis, is in the state of Delaware. Consider the implications of the fact that Delaware’s most famous citizen is a fictional character.

Delaware?!? Metropolis is in frigging Delaware? I’m ordering this book through Bibliofind just to find more to gripe about. That and I want to see where they stuck Gotham.

Well, you see, Baltimore–despite it’s problems–is a * real * city in a * real * state, not some dinky little theoretical triangle putting the “Del” in “DelMarVa”; we get a little antsy when people forget that :slight_smile:

Now repent for your sins or I’ll have to exile you to Delaware. Ooh, boy, that’d be fun: “hey, I’m supposed to be in Delaware…but it…doesn’t…exist…auuughhh!”

I’ve been thinking.

Okay, so apparently Delaware doesn’t exist… and yet, the area I am in has a very large gay community.

Delaware is a gay conspiracy!

Oh, there is no way that Superman is from here. We’d have it in all the papers.