
Oh, almost forgot. Scar on right elbow from a burn. Hit the inside edge of a gas oven whilst turning around with a pyrex dish in my hands. Was trying to keep my cats from killing one another. Surprised that there are no scars on fingertips, as I pulled the dish from a 350* oven, where it had been baking (lasagna) for an hour…

Some past ones and some future ones:

Like everyone else who was circumcised, I have a scar around my penis.

I have some acne scars on my face and back.

I have a really gross scar from a botched appendectomy.

I have three little scars around my right knee, from arthroscopic surgery. Sometime next year I’ll have a big scar there, after I have the knee replaced.

And speaking of replacements, sometime this coming spring or summer I’ll be getting my aortic valve replaced. First they’ll crack my chest like a lobster, then they’ll cut open my heart to get to the valve. Lots of scarring to look forward to.

Appendectomy scar.
Right side hernia repair scar.
Multiple scars due to skin cancer surgery; one of them is spectacular.
Two inch scar on right shin caused by broken coke bottle; long story.
Scars on left hand due to electrical burn when I was eight years old.
Eight inch scar on right leg from surgical repair of broken femur.
Scar on left hand from knife cut----entirely my own stupid mistake.
Two faint scars on right arm result of having two boils lanced as a child.
Scar on bottom of chin—another stupid mistake.

We need to get our own beach guys. That way we won’t scare the children. :slight_smile:

Short version: I was born with Some Assembly Required. This required occasional surgical intervention to fix stuff throughout my life. I have a variety of scars, mainly frontside. One in particular (they were in a hurry) earns me a lot of “Wow, you survived the autopsy!” jokes when in a swimsuit. A few on my leg, and one under the hairline from an accident with a winch. The missus has hundreds, from some childhood events (not my story to tell).

I guess it’s one of the reasons we’ve never been without a boat in our 30 year marriage. Sometimes it’s easier to be out in the sun away from crowds, if you know what I mean.

A scar above my right eye from falling on a lawn ornament. A real white-trash moment.

A scar on the skin between my left thumb and forefinger from falling with a large glass jar on a concrete culvert. And I didn’t get to show mom the really cool salamander, either.

A scar below and left of my left pectoral where doctors reinflated my lungs with a tube after a car accident. FYI, don’t let yourself be the first opportunity to perform this operation for the student doctor.

Scar on upper left deltoid from same accident.

Those are my physical scars.

Overachiever! I think that’ll win the thread.

Calf of left leg from a cut from a hockey skate.

Left thigh from a hockey skate.

One large and many small scares on my chin from hockey collisions. Getting a close shave is pretty much impossible.

Four on my left shoulder to repair torn cartilage from… playing hockey.

I still have all my teeth, though!

Good news for the other single men with facial scars: Men With Facial Scars Are More Attractive To Women Seeking Short-Term Relationships

panache, you be sure and let us know when you’re going in for this surgery!

Most of mine are pretty lame. There’s one on my left knee where I tripped as a kid and fell on a sharp stick, one on my left thumb where I cut myself with a pocket knife, a thin one on my lower lip that I can’t explain and two on my forehead, one from chicken pox and one from taking a swan dive off my grandmother’s recliner as a kid and hitting my head on a wooden writing desk.

I’ve also got a couple burn scars from being careless in the kitchen, but they’re mostly faded and not nearly as permanent as the others.

Just my “best” ones…

A large, odd-shaped “V” in my groin from a bout of Necrotic Faciaitis, about 7" high and 9" wide. Damn near killed me. Required over a month in the burn ICU due to possible further infection due to the gaping open wound and 7 surgeries in total. Final closure required >200 stitches and 40 staples.

Edited to add: I also have a large amount of flesh missing, similar to Runner Pat but in a NSFW location.

Several small, radiating lines on my forehead from a car accident when I was 10. Required 53 stitches in total and then cosmetic surgery to make them less obvious.

4" scar across the base of my neck from a partial thyroidectomy about 20 years ago.

3" scar on my left forearm sustained in a knife fight.
2" on my right knee from dropping a glass punchbowl.
2 1" round scars on my right shin from large sebaceous cysts.
2" on the side of my left knee from falling on a broken bottle in a bar fight.
Tiny ones on my center upper lip (1) and lower lip (2) from fights.
Many small (dots to <1/3") scars on my hands from electronics work, fights and other accidents.

Maybe not. Looks like ryan is overtaking with a better(worse?) location. :eek:

Aww, you guys make mine look rubbish.
From most obvious:
The index finger of my right hand is squished into a weird shape- got caught in a door hinge age around 9.

I have a scar disappearing into my hair line, with a crack in my skull underneath, I don’ t even know where this is from- I cracked my head open 3 times as a toddler, and no-one can remember which that was, but it’s so old the crack and the visible scar don’t quite line up any more.

I also have an (almost invisible now) scar between my nose and right eye- getting that was my very first memory; my big bro was messing around with a hammer in the garden, and I stuck my head over his shoulder to see what he was doing at the exact time he brought it up. My parents thought I’d lost an eye, if it had been a few millimeters to the right, I probably would have. I was around 2 1/2.

Most of my skin has faint scars on though; I have severe eczema outbreaks, and though they heal up remarkably fast, they do scar.

From my hairline, down my forhead through my right eybrow to the to of my right ear. Then down my ear about half way. Basicaly scalped and nealy tore my ear off.

130 stitches, and the doc did a great job.

Motorcyle accident long, long ago. I was wearing a helmet, but the rear fender ended up sliding in between the helmet and my head. The still spinning tire just sucked me in.

My oddest is thanks to my mother’s cockatoo. No, not a bite…
I was about 11 or 12 and reading a book in the bird room, lying on my stomach and propped up on my elbows. I scooted forward a bit and a stray sunflower seed hull that was lodged in the carpet dug into my thigh and gouged out a nice chunk of flesh.
My parent’s didn’t believe the story and never read on the floor of the bird room again.

C-section scar.
Laparoscopy scars, a tiny one at my belly button and one that ended up hidden in the c-section scar.
A linear scar on my left knee from falling off a bike as a kid.
A circular scar on the back of my left hand from dropping a hot iron on it as a kid.
A scar on my left thumb tip from where I sliced a bit off as a kid.
A vertical scar through my left eyebrow from falling off a bed and hitting the edge of my parents’ bedside table as an infant.
Various small scars on my hands, wrists and chest from being splashed by hot oil while cooking (on more than one occasion).
Scar on my left upper lip from being hit by a coin as a kid (kids, don’t throw coins at each other).

I’ve had the scars on my face since I was so young that they’ve never affected my confidence or self esteem and I don’t worry about them at all.

I generally told people I was stitching up that scars show you’ve lead an interesting life and hoped they were reassured that my scars didn’t bother me.

I’ve been able to remain scar free since I was ten, and hope to keep that up, but before then I picked up a number of childhood-oriented scars. I have a 1" scar over my left eye from a dog bite and a slightly smaller scar on the crown of my head from a firewood-wielding neighbor kid. Another scar on my left wrist from the knife slipping when I was carving a slingshot from a tree branch (I was a Scout, I knew better than to whittle toward myself, but I was just being stupid that day). A pattern of faint scars on my chest from going over the handlebars of my bike on a gravel road wearing nothing but swimming trunks. A scar on the base of my right thumb given to me by a wall-mounted manual can opener. My brother was chasing me through the kitchen, I dodged and put my hand on the opener for leverage in going the other direction, my brother grabbed for my hand and hit the handle instead, and ZIP!

“Chicks dig scars.”
– Shane Falco


I seem to heal up pretty well and most scars on me tend to fade off with time, with the one exception of several I got at work one day. I reached into a box of bottles without looking - turns some of them were broken. That glass was very sharp and I ended up with three horizontal cuts on my right forearm. Since I worked at a hospital I could have gone over to the ER to get them fixed up but they didn’t bleed much so I didn’t bother. They’d probably look a lot better today if I’d taken the time to do that.

Small scar under my chin after slipping while getting out of the bath when I was 4.

Right hand: small cresent shaped scar on 3rd knuckle of index finger from punching stereo (long story).
finger-tip of right ring finger has a divot taken out from trying to catch a falling Leatherman Supertool and getting the serated blade lodged in the end.

Left elbow has a small scar from some random idiot taking a swipe at me with a knife in a pub (he thought I was someone else).

Three on my abdomen from keyhole surgery to remove appendix.

My wife has scars from 3rd degree burns on her right leg running from her hip to her knee. She set her clothes on fire when she was 3, playing with matches. Lots of skin grafts.

My skin really doesn’t hold scars, which is a good thing - otherwise I’d have a mess of acne scars. The only two truly permanent ones are one round white spot the size of a pencil eraser from the chicken pox, and one hairline scar on one of my toes. I have no idea how that one happened. I don’t remember it ever *not *being there and my Mom swears she doesn’t remember me getting a cut on my foot as a baby either.

My little brother has the good scar story of the family. We were at an airport and watching planes during a layover. I was eight and he was two. The windows had a big thick railing right at his eye level, so he knelt down to get a better view. The bottom of the window frame sliced his knee open like a razor. So Mom had to take a screaming, bleeding child in search of a first aid kit, try not to pass out from the sight of blood or get it smeared all over the airport, and make sure we still caught the plane that was departing in twenty minutes. Some lovely flight attendants found a butterfly bandage and we made the plane, but my brother still has an impressive scar.

Most impressive-looking and oftenest misinterpreted: the three-inch by half inch burn on the inside of my right arm. People think I must have been doing something cool or weird, but I was just cooking.
Stupidest: the perfectly round scar on my right thigh - I was indulging in every kid’s favourite pastime, “setting fire to stuff”. It melted instead of flaming up, I panicked and pulled it back towards me, it dripped melting plastic onto my leg. :smack:
Brings back best memory: the small scar under one of my toes which I got by standing on a sharp rock at the beach in Siracusa. I was about as happy that day as I’ve ever been in my life. It’s nice to have a permanent reminder about my person.