Talking Out Your Ass

lieu, it occurred to me the other day that I know more about your ass than I do many of the entire posters here on these boards.

Don’t ever stop posting this funny shit.

Oh, wow.
I’ve scared Hubster silly laughing so hard. He came over to the computer to see what was so funny.

Him: You find gas that funny?

Me: (Trying to hold back tears of laughter) Its late, and its FUNNY!!!

Him: Walks away…

Wow, you’re a polite one Lieu. My S.O is known for the “furp symphony” (yes I know that’s spelled incorrectly, but I just downed a quart of Nyquil to help with my cold-related misery and i’m quickly losing coherence)

“Furp” being fart/burp, of course.

If i’m lucky enough to be in the same room with both my S.O, dad and brother, I get to hear it in SURROUND SOUND!

Good times.

When you fart in bed and the stink remains under the covers, that’s called a “dutch oven”.

Talking asses reminds me of the movie Naked Lunch.



Ok, now I have a mental image of my ass yelling
"For the love of God, Montresor!!!"


(and symphony was spelled correctly.)

Awwww. You Poe little thing!

Unless you start farting the 10 commandments or something else really significant.
Fortunately for me Mrs. Feather has no sense of smell. :wink:

William Burroughs wrote a story about an asshole that started to talk (yes, chula eluded to it). Given how it worked out for him I strongly suggest you put a stop to this now.

Oh my GOD. I just want you to know that I have a really obnoxious head cold that is starting to settle in my chest, and every time I laugh, I almost cough myself to death.

If I don’t close this thread now, I may never post again!
[sub]It’s still funny as hell, though.[/sub]

Okay, I’m still stuck on the mental image of lieu lying on the couch holding one butt cheek up with his hand. And I’m sorry, but what kind of many not only doesn’t fart in front of his wife, but is afraid of her hearing his farting from the couch? Is she afraid to fart in front of you, too? Aren’t you two afraid of exploding someday? (This reminds me of when Jim and I had a great chili dinner at my sister’s last weekend - I think even the cats were afraid to come into the bedroom. :D)

(And just ftr, where I come from, a Dutch Oven is not only farting under the covers, but holding someone else’s head under there as well. Maybe we’re just not as genteel as you folk, Elwood.)

My husband doesn’t fart around me, but I think that’s more out of concern for my health and well-being than anything else. He says that after dinner with beans, he’s worried I’ll be asphyxiated during the night.

Belching in front of each other is more than fair game though, and sometimes we compete for volume and duration.

This thread made me laugh for about 10 minutes straight.

And fart 3 times.


I clicked on this thread thinking “rant about ill-informed posts in GQ. Neat.”

And then, just as the page was loading, I saw it:


And in a moment of dawning horror, I knew it would be no figure of speech. :eek:

This post clues us in to the fact that after reading jarbabyj
s fart thread, Ailia is now searching for others of the ilk.
SDMB: Come for the wisdom, stay for the flatulence.

sounds like a sig to me!

My husband likes nothing more than to fart when I’m waiting for him to respond to something important. “Honey, we’re going to have to double up on the load payment if we want to take out a new loan this summer.” RRRRRRRRIIIIPPPPPPPPPPP! “Whatever you say, honey”


My butt’s vocabulary is limited to “Bert!”, “Pork!”, and "Tuuuune?. The rest is just inarticulate grunting.

Is anyone else reminded of the time Jack Nicholson pretended to make his butt talk at (I think) the Oscars?

P.T. Smegma, I laughed out loud at “inarticulate grunting.”