Want to come clean: Long ago I used to have a different user name. What do I do?


Go to “Advanced Search” Search for all posts by Koxinga, all open forums. Sort by last posting date: Ascending. Show: Posts.

The first hit will be his oldest post. In which he introduces himself and signs off with his initials.

That worked! Except no initials, but he did repeat his name in the post. I don’t understand the “nap” reference.

The best part of this is my going back and re-reading how you got banned from snopes. Not many can say that. :slight_smile:

Heh, I already figured it out. The first thing I did was run a search of his threads due to curiosity. I was just messing around.

The “nap” refers to the title of the book that contains the character his former user ID was named after.


My legend lives on.

Ha! I remember your former id (at least I think this was you). I had made a politically incorrect comment, and you gave me a ribbing about it. I couldn’t find the thread, but it dealt with my comment on cold weather, and your responding about what I probably thought about Hispanic domestic help and “African-American” headgear.

A long time ago, back in 1999 or so, I registered on this board as “Ed Zotti.” I apologize. Can you please merge the two accounts (under my current name) and reset my password? Thanks!

I … am … Spartacus!

Too funny, ha!

i knew it!

A long time ago, back in 1999 or so, I registered on this board as Cecil Adams. I apologize. Can you please merge the two accounts (under my Cecil Adams name) and reset my password? Thanks!

Then who is this guy?

I need a list of all the '99ers who haven’t posted in at least 5 years, so I can pretend one of them was me like Koxinga did. I want to be a '99er, too!

Need answer fast.

Off the top of my head, I suggest you claim to be Sqrlcub, handy or Jack Dean Tyler. You’d get the warmest of welcomes!

Can’t fool me! I read the thread handy got banned for! :p:p:p

Um, yeah. That’s me. Sure. :smiley:

Morpheus ?
Rip Van Winkle?
I’ve got it! Sleeping Beauty…no,
I give up…:mad:

He’s got a thread about it in either IMHO or MPSIMS. He asks if you remember him from before.

I’m glad, because I’d never heard of that book, and even finding his introduction post left off one word of his old name.