Moderators: I have two seperate Usernames but I will only want to use this one.

It came to my understanding that it’s against the rules to have more than one Username on this board. I just want to assure the Moderators that I have another Username called “The Liberator” which I will never use again.

After just one day of using it, I created and stuck with this Username because it’s much more pleasing to the ears. I sincerely hope it’ll be okay to do away with the other one and stick exclusively with this one.

I’ll notify TubaDiva, who usually handles these matters. Please feel free to email her yourself. That also goes for anyone else who finds himself or herself in this situation.

What’s usually done in these situations, I meant to add, is that the accounts get merged together, so your join date and post history would show you signed up earlier and made the posts credited to The Liberator.

Thanks for the help.

Your accounts have been merged.