What is the worst job in the world?

The worst job in the world? Probably beggar, IMHO.

I read somewhere about new porn filming rules that enforce use of a condom. So a job exists for CGI artists to remove the condoms digitally in post production. Sounds like a great job :slight_smile:

AKA aGong farmer.. I remember this was featured in Tony Robinson’s “Worst Jobs In History”. As was the lovely occupation of Leech Collector. Mostly, they used themselves as bait :eek:

Chicken sexer sounds like a terrible job.

For me it has to be commissioned sales. Hated it with a passion.

They don’t actually have sex with the chickens. Well, not as part of the job anyway. :eek:

Actually the job is in quite high demand in certain areas of the world, precisely because of that little fringe bennie. :smiley:

Surely the worst “normal” job in construction has to belong to the Mexican guys who do hot mop tar roofing.

Easy. Open office plan with a compulsive talker and chronic throat-clearer. The job title doesn’t matter.

Depends on location and how creative/skillful with people you are I guess.

I work next to someone who seems to be suffering from autoimmune issues (I’m just guessing), and she sniffles everyday, all day, I’ve been listening to it for a year and half now, every day. The chronic threat clearer guy who sat next to me left 6 months after I joined.

You eat out of a dumpster? Are you homeless/poor?

The worst job that someone I’ve known has had gets my vote; she was a doctor contracted by the child protection agency.

Basically, she was the person who had to medically examine abused children, and write the reports to be used at trial.

I’d rather sign up for the fecal scuba.

There’s another job in the agricultural sector someone has to do on a mule farm. I don’t really know the details, never wanted to.

What they do with the cute fluffy little male chicks, if they aren’t being raised for meat or sold to labs, etc. is even worse.

They “destroy” them. There are several methods, and all of them sound horrible.

I know a pediatric neurosurgeon, and I feel the same way - you do so much good, but I can’t imagine going to work everyday and seeing the kids you can’t save.

Threadjack: I read somewhere about a couple who decided they wanted to raise mules, so they got a boy mule and a girl mule, and they would see them out in the field doing what boys and girls will do, and wondered why there weren’t any baby mules.


Transvestite Meth Whore is a pretty awful job. Kinda like working for Radio Shack.

At least the TMW’s customers don’t ask such vapid questions.

One med/surg nurse told me about when she was doing clinicals in nursing school, and when she did her OB rotation, her non-nursing friends all said, “Ooooh, that would be so fun!” She replied that she was never peed on, pooped on, or barfed on as much as she was in that newborn nursery, and added that it seemed like every boy that passed through there must have had some kind of message system that said, “Hey, you! That nurse doesn’t like babies very much! FWEEEEEEEEE!” and then unleashed a fountain on her. :o

I know a post-partum nurse who does love her job, but doesn’t always love some of the parents with whom she has to send those babies home. :frowning: She knew she would have to deal with that going into this, and she says the plusses definitely outweigh the minuses for her.

Toll collector. Sitting in a tiny box in the middle of the road doing mindless repetitive tasks, often in crappy weather, for grouchy tired drivers who hate you.

Telemarketer. Given the choice of doing this or living in a refrigerator carton under a highway overpass, I would probably be a telemarketer but I would have to stop and think about it for awhile.

Pediatric oncologist. I’m in awe of the work most doctors do, but it takes a special kind of person to do that job because it seems absolutely brutal. Even the kids you can cure, you make horribly sick and miserable first, and then having to tell parents that their kid has something like DIPG and they should try to enjoy the 9 months they might get if they’re lucky. . .ugh. I couldn’t do it.

I worked with a pharmacist who went to medical school intending to do exactly this. The last couple years she was in school, she was considering going to med school, and her ped onc rotation cemented it for her. When she told me about this, I said, “Well, I guess someone has to do it…” and she replied, with a huge smile, “It’s the happiest place in the hospital. Really, it is.” We worked together during the “gap year” she took to get her loans paid down.

ooooookay…I couldn’t even imagine doing ADULT oncology. One of my friends in school had two healthy young children of her own, and she specifically requested NOT to do any pediatric rotations for this very reason.

Anyway, I later found out that she ended up becoming an infectious disease specialist, although IDK where she now lives and practices. In the fall of 2014 (see footnote), when they were interviewing all those ID specialists regarding Ebola, whenever I saw one over the age of 50, all I could think about was what a brutal job THAT was in the 1980s and early 1990s due to AIDS.

Footnote: I almost referred to 2014 as “last year”. Not any more. :o

That was described to me as part of the whole chicken sexing job, and was specifically the part that made me think it was horrible.