What should my friend name her Devil Baby (a name-my-baby thread with a twist!)

Well, Whynot, my initial suggestions of Lilith & Raven still stand, if a girl.

“Cthulhu.” :wink:

Me, I’d go with “Ashton.”


Just change it to Sammela if it’s a girl

GMTA. I came in here to recommend both.

You can borrow mine this year. It’s the day before the apocolypse. Besides, I really shouldn’t eat this cake by myself.

If we each break out the other half of our gemini personalities, the four of us could ride horses and remind everyone to stay indoors on the 6th. :smiley:

As for the OP, I have no baby names to offer that haven’t already been suggested.

Luxury Yacht.

The next time I make reservations at a restaurant I am so using Vinz Clortho.

Cool, I get back from my cruise the day before, so the apocalypse won’t interfere with my vacation. :slight_smile:

I vote for Sekhmet if it’s a girl. (egyptian goddess of destruction)

You have your own Designated Hitter?

[complete hijack]
Your post brought to mind the scene in the mini-series version of The Stand where Randall Flagg greets Lloyd Henreid with “Pleased to meet you…hope you guess my name”. Picturing that scene, it just hit me like a ton of bricks – Flagg was played by Jamey Sheridan, aka Captain Deakins from Law & Order: CI.

I have no reason for posting this, other than I was just completely floored by the “Hey, I just realized this guy and that guy are the same guy!” factor.

Sorry…carry on.
[/complete hijack]

Jeepers, I sure don’t want to get on the bad side of anyone here, but I feel it is only fair to let you in on the truth.

June 6, 2006 can be written, as a kind of shorthand, 6/6/06, but that ain’t the Number of The Beast. Neither is 6/6/2006.

The Day of Apocalypse is 6/6/6. That is, June 6 in the year 6.

So, it has already happened, folks! We’re what’s left; we just don’t know it. I can’t find the link, but Cecil covered this in one of his columns in Year 7. :wink:

Anyway, I think the child should be named Pale Rider.

Except that everyone will mispronounce it.

This is exactly what I thought when I read the thread title. Good call CaseSensitive

Well, that’s my birthday, so God Empress Kalex II would be just fine. (happy birthday to us, Catsix!)

For a naughty little boy:

Hebert (with an accent over the first “e”) – the atheist figure who spearheaded the outlawing of Christianity during the French Revolution (the “Goddess of Reason” was briefly enshrined in God’s place). After Hebert was guillotined, a second portmanteau state religion was unfurled, Robespierre’s deistic Virtue, in which the people were to worship a “Supreme Being”).
Aleister – for the occultist and “Wickedest Man in the World” Crowley.
Chinggis or Genghis – the most-feared nomadic Mongol warlord of all time.
Timur or Tamerlane – for the notorious wall-builder and a pretty badass warlord in his own right. :wink:
Stalin – I’ve actually come across this used as a first name already, in Latin America, no less. (Stalin-ito’s parents were doubtless True Believers.)
Tojo – if only because the mention of one or two WWII dictators deserves another…
Idi, Idi Amin, or even Idi-Amin – he was a dictator and a cannibal. What a guy!
Alferd – for the notorious mountain guide and cannibal.
Ripper – for saucy Jack. The one, the only…
Elron – a linguistic back-formation (or something) of L. Ron, as in Hubbard. A double threat, as he was both religious charlatan and hack writer, and his ridiculous cult is growing rapidly.
For a nasty little girl:

Drusilla – as in Caligula’s notorious sister
Erzsebet (with an accent over the second “e”) – as in Hungary’s Countess Bathory, who bathed in the blood of her virginal victims, believing the blood to be a Fountain of Youth.
Lizzie (not Elizabeth) – for Borden, of course
Sante – for Sante Kimes, the grifter and serial murderess who manipulated her son into being her partner in crime. Has the added advantage of sounding like it might be from the Bible or Apocrypha.
Paris – the most notorious strumpet of our time!

legia could be a female form of legion. i do know a woman named legia for legion.

As you say, it’s hard to spell. But do you also happen to have any good idea how to pronounce it?

THOO loo?
CHOO loo
CH’Tuh luh?
sthoo LOO?

No clue here …

genghis is an awesome idea, i like that one. i might steal it if thats ok, for my future child. is better than my original plan, which was boris. just because i’m cruel like that.

Ozzy? He is the Prince of Darkness and all, if the backward masking of his songs are to be believed.

I love this name. Unrelated to Satan and all, but Damien is one of my favourite boy names.

(The other two are Damon and Darien. I like names that start with D and end with N, apparently.)