Where do I find Grocery Bag for Man?

Where do you go to buy Man anymore? I can’t find it in any of the local grocery stores, just that damn Soylent Green stuff.


On Craigslist, of course. :smiley:

“I’ve translated the title of the aliens’ book! It’s called To Bag Man.

they are called brown paper bags

I can’t believe that this is a serious question. Really? You can’t find a “neutral” bag? You are not looking very hard. This is not a condemnation of the OP or a slam. It’s just a fact.

Don’t they have bags at the grocery store?

The grocery stores don’t have the black woven plasticky ones where you are? Everybody, I mean everybody uses them here.

I can’t tell from the link if this is like the one my son bought - his zips or flips into a much smaller bundle for carrying around. Very gadget-y.

How about these?

Chuck Norris doesn’t carry bags. He glares at them and they meekly fall in behind him, single file.

I think at the novelty store, you can get bags with pictures of penises on them. You’re right to worry, because if a man carries groceries or anything in a bag that looks feminine, he will immediately become impotent. Why do you think the rise (excuse the expression) of Viagra has coincided with the introduction of reusable grocery bags in the United States? In the 70’s and 80’s we used plastic bags willy (so to speak)-nilly (or maybe, “nelly”) and sex was rampant, as were all men. Nobody was impotent then!! 'Nuff said.

That’s not my bag, baby.

I put the heaviest thing on my shoulder and stack everything else on top of it.

Doesn’t really work though unless you start with like a 30-50lb bag of rice or dog food.

I found that having a big ol’ sack of my own eliminated any worries about whether or not my grocery bags were too sissy.

An ammo pouch?

A range bag?

A feed sack?

I use an old fishing net so I get rope burns.

I think you may have missed something there - or you have rope burns in places they should never, ever be…

In the grocery store? :smiley:

I’ve been using an old NATO rucksack since 1990 or so, when I need to. The shoulder straps suck.

I read the title as ‘Where do I find Garbage Bag for Man?’ and thought this would be one of those cleaning-up-after-a-murder situations.