Which primate would make the best pet? Don't need answer fast

Dunno. I’ve heard they’re pretty nosy.

I’d get a howler monkey. I don’t care how safe they are or whatever, I just want to piss off the neighbors.


I only howl if you stomp on my big foot. Protection is extra though…and whatever you do, don’t mess with me!

White-faced capuchins do urine wash and cannot be potty trained. Urine washing is related to the temperature and dominance (more dominant, more urine), so you might be able to keep that down. However, capuchins are vicious little guys that have nasty teeth and constantly squabble with each other. They aren’t very respectful of dominance hierarchies, so you’d likely constantly face challenges. Incredibly intelligent and voraciously hungry, they can figure out how to open zippers and steal food from all sorts of containers.

Howlers aren’t very intelligent, spend most of the day sleeping, and make a loud racket.

Singing Brachiators would make an excellent band name.

We had a spider monkey. She would ride on the back of our dog (a skinny mutt that we loved like a river.) She would also sit on our heads (tho she shit down my brother’s neck one time.) Her little hands, with their long, bulbous fingers, were lke a baby’s.

i’m the audience-type of a pet owner. the gibbon, easily the most acrobatic ape, even without training.

Pretty much my reasoning, too.

So basically I’d have to constantly bully a capuchin in order for it to be a tolerable housemate, i.e. to minimize urine washing and dominance challenges, and it would still steal my snacks and toys.

My dog is pretty laid back, so a spider monkey like Becky2844 had, as long as I remember to wear a neck gaiter or some such whenever it’s on my head.

I see pictures of people playing, apparently happily, with un-diapered monkeys. What’s the deal with that? Have they just learned to disregard the inevitable shit, or is there some secret to having shit-free time with one’s monkey?

That mouse lemur is looking better all the time.

Give me a case of beer and I could totally out-urine a monkey if it came to that.

They are cute, but NPR did a piece about how those videos actually depict animal abuse.

I’m going with an aye-aye, they are all kinds of awesome.

(I’ve had one crawl up my arm and sit on my shoulder!)