Why is a mouse when it spins?

Even weirder, this is the second attempt at this thread. The first one was locked when the OP claimed it was supposed to be a poll. This one still isn’t a poll.


Because ducks are made out of wood.

Why is a poll when it spins?

Oy. Forty two.

I also vote “quack”. However, the sound on the Tittabawassee River may make claims to Saginaw that will not spin any mice at all. YMMV.

What made pistachio nuts?

a. AoxomoxoA.
3. Esquivons les ecchymoses des Esquimaux aux mots exquis.
71/8. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
F#. She turned on the radio. With a savage snarl, the radio turned on her.

Ө. Some of the above.

There is a distinct lack of fatty acid salts useful for removing hydrophobic molecules, but rather there exists electromagnetic radiation in the range below 300 GigiHertz!

You do realize that wood floats on water?

No, the sum of the above is a + 3 + 71/8 + F#, which when added to the poll idea is the same as the number of the poster who referred to the “porridge bird”, unless its the absolute value or why not?


If you were flying over a lake in a canoe, and one of the wheels fell off, how many pancakes would it take to shingle a doghouse?

It’s a trick question - ice cream doesn’t have any bones.


But mice DO have bones. Ice cream IS spinned if you count it as the churning! That’s the question we are trying to answer and a poll is not to do the trick!

OK, I’ll confess. I wanted it to be a poll with one option, “Other”. But you have to specify at least two options and I decided it wasn’t worth it. But of course, before you discover that fact, you have to submit the post, so… there you go. And wherever you go, there you are. And it’s not over till it’s over. But when it’s over… it’s OVER. Over easy. Easy to be hard.

With a side of pancakes.

Jokey answers aside, some of us are the parents of toddlers and are therefore well-equipped to answer this sort of question. Here’s the actual answer:

Because when a mouse is not, it cannot spin.

Truth…or colorless green idea?

So if we found a live cat, the mouse would be dead?

That was my thought as well!

Mine doesn’t. I named it Natalie.

Oh, look! A bunny!