Why is a mouse when it spins?

Dang. You’re good.

But how then do you explain:
When not a mouse is not, it can knot but not? Spin its head will knot!

Mama Plant always told me, “Because God planned it that way.”

How many boards would the mongrels hoard if the mongrel hordes got bored?

Answer: All of it.

I’m afraid not, if it’s a frayed knot.

Why not a chicken?

Help, my hoversphere is bleeding diamonds.

Well then pass the ketchup already!

Enough with the false dichotomies! The question is of the mouse, and can it poll other than the spin? Please people.

Batman, if he is prepared.

I like the Wizard of Oz.

What’s green, wet, hangs on the wall, and whistles?

Another misconception is that a bat is the mouse who has wings. And cannot Wonder Women be the spinner?. As she often does, I might add!

I heard it this way:

Q. Why a mouse when it spins?
A. The higher the farther!


A frog. Nailed to a wall. Whistling.

Did I hear an echo?

Because when it stands still it’s only a Computer-Aided Display Control.

What happens when an unstoppable hair curler meets an unpermable object?

Frogs die, man. They DIE.