Will there be gravity in heaven?

There is the physical reality and there is the spiritual reality. The physical world which we normally work in is but a shadow on Plato’s cave reflecting the spiritual reality. Many times scriptures tell of what is happening in the spiritual, not the physical, which is just a reflection.

The spiritual is the true vision but there are parallels of the physical world, though not always lined up.

To see the difference here are some verses from Revelation:

Do you really expect to see a black horse galloping across the earth? Some do. Revelation IMHO is mostly revelation of what is happening in the spiritual, not the physical, but there is a reflection in our physical world.

Here is a spiritual interpretation of the above:

  • Black (the color of the horse) represents oil
  • Horse is the driving force
  • The scales is a balance in price between food cost and fuel costs, the 2 are now becoming directly linked (as farmers can chose to plant food or fuel crops and that will be based on price)
    -oil and wine equate to bio-diesel and ethanol, process that will not be able to be disruptive even though it will raise the price of food for many to the point that they will work all day just to buy that day’s food.

That’s not to say this is the only interpretation, but in the spiritual the black horse has ridden and the above is one of the effects that manifest in the physical world. Note St John didn’t need to know about oil or refining, though knowing oil and wine and perhaps fermentation helps him explain what he saw.

So the bible is not wrong about the black horse, as there is a black horse, but we only see the shadows and after effects shadows.

No, there isn’t. You are asserting a spiritual reality because it fits your religious beliefs, not because it’s real and there is evidence for it.

Nonsense. Utter, remorseless nonsense. “Oh, when the bible is false, it’s actually true in another dimension.”

Again, you are asserting a separate dimension to make all the false stuff true. If you were in school and failed a test, did you tell the teacher that the answers were correct in another dimension?

I suppose in another dimension your post was cogent and convincing. Sadly, I live in this dimension.

Actually no religious belief was needed, I just needed God to open my spiritual senses which we all have.

I guess you are not acquainted with string theory (or string model) or m theory.

People have know about different dimensions at least since the cave analogy of Plato, and scientists are just starting to grasp it today.

In a 2d world, it would be very hard for a flatlander to find proof of a 3d world. Can we say the same for 3d beings finding proof of a 12d world?

Or, you are deluding your self into believing that because it gives you comfort. I wonder what is more likely?

I am acquainted enough with them to know that you’re not. :smiley:

So your method of building arguments is:
[Assertion] is proved by [Thing You Do Not Understand].

Let me try to use that:
The existence of vampires is proved by the rules of football.

Gravity is just a theory.

In school it must be taught along side Intelligent Falling as an alternative viewpoint.

Your argument is not with me my friend, it is with the great philosophers of antiquity who have observed other dimensions and modern scientists who have found that they are not able to explain the natural observed world in just 3 dimensions but require quite a few more. Not to mention a very popular book full of stories :smiley: