Celebrity Deathpool 2002: in 3D!

Yup, once again it’s time for the sickest thread on the board.

The rules:

1 - You pick thirteen famous people who you think will die in the upcoming year.
2 - Each pick you make who dies in the year 2002 gives you 100 points minus their age at death. If you pick someone who dies over the age of a hundred, you score zero points for them. If, by chance, one of your picks dies before January 1, you can replace him or her with a new pick but you won’t score any points.
3 - All picks must be posted by the start of the new year. Or at least in the immediate vicinity thereof.
4 - Celebrity status will be determined loosely. In case of
disagreement, a majority vote of the posters will be binding.
5 - Persons currently under sentence of capitol punishment will only be valid for scoring points if they die by means other than official execution.
6 - Any poster who kills or otherwise contributes to the death of any celebrity mentioned in this thread will be disqualified.
7 - You can’t pick fictional people. You can’t pick animals. You can’t pick multiple choices. You can’t pick people who are already dead. You can’t pick anyone under the age of 16. You can’t pick anyone who has posted on this board.
8 - Anyone I pick will not die. I swear. In fact, I’m not going to pick Osama bin Laden just becuase I hate the SOB and I don’t want to be responsible for his escape from justice.

Mohammad Ali
Marlon Brando
Walter Cronkite
Kirk Douglas
Betty Ford
Gerald Ford
Billy Graham
Katherine Hepburn
Pope John Paul II
Dudley Moore
Richard Pryor
Ronald Reagan
Paul Tsongas

hey there, I don’t know about the death pool that you play, but one of the rules of the death pool that I play (kinda sick that there is more than one) is that you can’t pick the Queen Mother or The Pope.
Mostly out of repspect, but partially because both of them seem to have an unnatural ability to stay alive.

And I WAS going to put George Harrison on my list, doh!

So, who won last year? Score?

Queen Mum is worth negative points - she’s over 100 now.

After just barely getting my losers in on time last year, I’m going to have a shot at being first this year. Here are my picks:

  1. Johnny Cash
  2. Aaron Spelling
  3. Graham Kennedy (Australian television personality)
  4. Robert Downey Jr
  5. Duff McKagan
  6. Princess Margaret
  7. Lee Radziwell
  8. Dudley Moore
  9. Buddy Ebsen
  10. Pope John Paul II (neh!)
  11. Dana Carvey
  12. Deanna Durbin
  13. Michael Jackson

Here’s hoping I don’t get lucky this year either!

  1. Osama Bin Ladin [sub]easy[/sub]

2)Tina Turner [sub]a hunch[/sub]

3)Whitney Houston [sub]Too much nose candy[/sub]

Little Nemo- Paul Tsongas is dead. He died back in '97.

This is going to be a good year. All kinds of people are ready to go. So many, in fact, that limiting the list to thirteen is a bitch.
OK, here we go…

Annette Funicello
Anthony Hopkins
Robert Stack
Bob Barker
Richard Pryor
Eddie Albert
Whitney Houston
Rodney Dangerfield
Dudley Moore
Darryl Strawberry
Dimitrious Underwood
Paul Prudhome
Johnny Cash

  1. Bob Hope
  2. Fidel Castro
  3. Charlie Watts
  4. Rich Little
  5. Chuck Berry
  6. Marlon Brando
  7. James Doohan
  8. Ronald Reagan
  9. Boris Yeltsin
  10. Rip Torn
  11. Little Richard
  12. Cory Feldman
  13. Teddy Kennedy

Too late.

I’ll have my list later this month.

It’s somewhat macrabe, but what the hey.

  1. Chuck Jones (greatest living cartoon director)
  2. Lee Iacocca (automobile guy, among other things)
  3. Joseph Barbera (the only living half of Hanna-Barbera)
  4. Sherwood Schwartz (creator of “Gilligan’s Island” and “Brady Bunch”)
  5. Walter Cronkite (and that’s the way it is)
  6. Oral Roberts
  7. Pope John Paul II
  8. The Maharishi Yogi
  9. Abe Vigoda
  10. Osama bin Laden (hey, why not?)
  11. Buddy Ebsen
  12. Betty White
  13. Gary Coleman (I decided to add a unexpected one to the end of the list)

We seemed to give up on this last year, how did that work?

Wouldn’t #5 disqualify Osama? Or is a stray missile not an “official execution”? :stuck_out_tongue:
And #5 doesn’t disqualify Osama, would #6 disqualify our military dopers?

Okay then, I’m taking out Osama and replacing him with…um…uh…Billy Graham.

  1. Strom Thurmond (politician)
  2. Billy Wilder (movie director)
  3. Fay Wray (actress)
  4. Milton Berle (actor)
  5. Karl Malden (actor)
  6. Julia Child (famous cook)
  7. Harry Morgan (actor)
  8. Olivia De Havilland (actress)
  9. Estelle Parsons
  10. Joan Kennedy (ex-wife of Edward Kennedy)

Oh, BTW, Estelle Parsons is an actress too. She played Roseanne’s mom on her show.

Picking Strom Thurmond might be a waste of a choice. He turns 99 on Dec. 5, so he’d only be worth a measly point.

Strom is a guarenteed point though…he’s gonna die and we all know it.

  1. Strom Thurmond [sub]He’s old[/sub]
  2. Abe Vigoda [sub]He’s also old[/sub]
  3. John Goodman [sub]He’s fat…like Belushi and Candy[/sub]
  4. Sean Connery [sub]He’s old[/sub]
  5. Rodney Dangerfield [sub]He just had a heart attack[/sub]
  6. George Bush [sub]Terrorists be damned[/sub]
  7. Osama Bin Laden [sub]Assuming he counts[/sub]
  8. Ronald Reagan [sub]He’s in bad shape[/sub]
  9. Boris Yeltzin [sub]Sorry to copy alot, but I couldn’t pass of the good deal[/sub]
  10. Ali [sub]I like his chances too…he can go now that he has a movie about him[/sub]
  11. Bob Dylan [sub]Mere speculation[/sub]
  12. [sub]And for kicks…[/sub] Leonardo DiCaprio [sub]Don’t we all wish?[/sub]

Oh, boy! I finally get to play:

First, the gimmies . . .

  1. Bob Hope
  2. Pope John Paul
  3. Ronald Reagan

Past their due-date . . .
4. Harry Morgan
5. Julia Child
6. James Doohan
7. Johnny Carson

Ill humours . . .
8. Dudley Moore
9. Michael J. Fox

Rode hard and put away . . .
10. Keith Richards
11. Johnny Cash

Drugged off . . .
12. Robert Downey Jr.
13. Whitney Houston

Just 13, eh? I would fit Mariah Carey in there as a long-shot for the “Die Like Diana” award, but I have some big-payoff possibilities already in place, like Downey and Houston. Can’t go overboard, you know, not if you play to win.

So who’s winning the last pool?

Everybody else is listing 13 potentially dead celebrities, so I will add three more to my list.

  1. Dick Van Dyke (actor)
  2. Jim Nabors (actor)
  3. Paul Newman (actor)
  1. Darryl Strawberry b.1962
  2. Osama bin Laden b.1957
  3. Annette Funicello b.1942
  4. Richard Pryor b.1940
  5. Dudley Moore b.1935
  6. Johnny Cash b.1932
  7. Fidel Castro b.1926
  8. Marlon Brando b.1924
  9. Pope John Paul II b.1920
  10. Rodney Dangerfield b.1920
  11. Billy Graham b.1918
  12. Ted Williams b.1918
  13. Ronald Reagan b.1911

And if it is decided that ObL cannot be on this list because of rule # 5 , then I’d like to remove him and add Hume Cronyn. (Although ObL is not technically “under sentence of capitol punishment”.) I’ll default to Little Nemo’s judgement call since this is his gig.

Look at or near the ends of each of these threads.

Celebrity Deathpool 2000
Celebrity Deathpool 2001

Well, I think OBL will be dead within the month, so I’m not going to bother…

Let’s go for some surprizes here here…
(meaning I don’t know my old celebrities very well)

  1. Michael J. Fox
  2. Dick Cheney
  3. Leonardo DiCaprio
  4. O.J. Simpson
  5. Usher
  6. Gene Hackman
  7. Jim Carrey
  8. Tim Robbins
  9. Saddam Hussein
  10. Beck
  11. Bob Dylan
  12. Eminem (Marshall Mathers)
  13. Pete Townshend