McAfee virus scan keeps turning off

Our McAfee virus scan keeps turning off. I don’t know why this happens. I just realized it recently…luckily nothing bad had happened. Now I’m looking at the icon every time I go on the computer and it is turned off about every other day. My daughter, the only person who uses this computer, claims not to be turning it off.

What should I do?

Switch to Grisoft’s AVG. Stronger, higher, faster, free.

…or you could go to McAfee’s website and ask there. I’ve been using McAfee products for several years with only minor problems (their older versions used to suck and not fully uninstall when upgrading, but that hasn’t been a problem in 304 years). While there, make sure you have the most current version.

Check the program’s setting and make sure everything looks right.


Make that 3-4 years.

Download and run Microsoft Anti-Spyware Beta. I believe some spyware/adware is known to disable anti-virus software, so this might be a sign of an infection.

What he said.

I had a spyware/malware infection that turned off my Norton antivirus software. Took forever to get rid of the nasty bugger.