Why do my eyes water when I pee?

Every time I urinate, my eyes water. I’m not sad. I’m not crying. I don’t have to physically strain to pee, nothing like that. It just feels like a reflex; it’s something weird my body does. I pee, and my eyes water. But I don’t know why!

I ran multiple google and SDMB searches, and couldn’t find an answer to this question… just a lot of people sharing that it happens to them. Nobody seems to know why. I figured it’s the perfect question to put to the teeming masses! Someone’s got to have researched this.

You’re full. You should pee much more often.

Maybe quit peeing whilst standing on your head?

Or just aim better.

There’s piss shiver, and now there’s piss tearing?

Hyperopticolacrymaluretheral syndrome.

It comes from having a really pissy outlook on life.

It’s pain from that dose of clap you never got treated.

[Easy answer]( http://en. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Autofellatio)

This much snark in the first few replies of a GQ? Fuck’s sake people, don’t threadshit.

No. Even if I just pee a little bit, my eyes will tear up. Sometimes I will pee, then 30 minutes later have to poop. There’s only a little bit of urine there, but my eyes still tear up.

Stop eating things like Asparagus and you’ll quit crying when you have to take a squirt.

[Mod Note]
Rather indelicately phrased, but rachelellogram has a perfectly valid point.
In the GQ FAQ, it says:

If you don’t have anything to contribute, let’s try to hold back the jokes until somebody has a helpful response.
Thank you.
No warnings issued.
[/Mod Note]

Well, see, I’d have to nitpick this. These are meant to be jokes. Lame jokes, but jokes nonetheless. We make them because we don’t know the answer to your question, but as class clowns we MUST make some sort of remark, however inappropriate. My apologies.

Snark, on the other hand, would be something like: “Oh, you know, there are these people with advanced degrees whom we call “doctors”; maybe you should find one instead of asking unqualified people on a message board”. See the difference? Much more hurtful and dismissive, although probably good advice.

Oh, by the way, the comment you responded to is also a joke: “you’re so full of urine that it’s leaking out of your eyes”. Sort of along the lines of “you’re so full of shit that your eyes are brown.” Yeah, it’s juvenile.

Hope you find an answer to your dilemma.
ETA: I see a mod has intervened, and again I apologize for my little jape.

Moderator Note

Capitaine Zombie, please do not post “not safe for work” links. See here. No warning issued.

General Questions Moderator

While this is a legitimate question, it involves a medical answer. We don’t do personal medical answers in General Questions. Moved to IMHO.

samclem , Moderator

Is there a cleanser in the toilet? It could be a chemical reaction.

A conditioned response? were you ever punished as a child by not letting you go pee?

The vent for heater/AC in some bathrooms blows right over where my head would be when standing at a urinal. This makes my eyes water.

Maybe your eyes are jealous? I got nothin’. Have you ever asked a doctor during a routine physical?

I think you have makingshitupitis. It’s very serious. Half the Internet has it. It makes you want to want to walk to school uphill both ways and have an 8-inch penis.

How else to explain these recent threads…

Business casual pants for a fat girl that won’t cause crotch-stink after 8 hours?
Dealing with dry skin on feet. Product recommendations?
Carpenter ants in my bedroom. God dammit.
Why do my eyes water when I pee?

No, this has been happening my entire life in every single different kind of toilet you could imagine. Even if I pee into not-a-toilet (on the ground while camping, or in the bathtub when I was younger).

I never had to hold in my pee as a kid, no. There is no emotional response whatsoever. It also is not influenced by externalities at all. It is just a weird a physiological… quirkthingy. There’s no vent in my current bathroom, but I’ve had them in the past and they have no effect on what happens.

No, it just never seemed all that important. I never thought of it as terribly irregular; weird yes, but just one of those things that’s a little different. It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t feel anything like crying. My face doesn’t screw up with sadness, I don’t frown. Just eyes leaking water.

  1. If I was going to make shit up, I think I could do a lot better than a bunch of unflattering health questions. I’d pretend to be a cowboy astronaut millionaire and enrapture the teeming masses by flaunting my supposed riches.
  2. why do my eyes water when I pee - Google Search
  3. Take it to the pit or PM me, your personal vendetta is inappropriately expressed in this forum.

The anecdotes I’ve read (since I can’t find a scientific explanation for this) point to this being a heritable trait. Maybe some wires crossed in the spinal cord… I dunno! Still trying to find an answer at this point.

My eyes do this as well. I think this has to do with a generalized effect of the parasympathetic nervous system. Salivation, lacrimation, urination, and defecation are all affected. See: Wiki article on SLUD syndrome.

I kinda suck at explanations, but if you read the wiki article it should help.