I wonder why we haven't heard about this.

In short: A conservative Republican congresswoman, Jamie Herrera-Beutler, has given birth to a baby with a birth defect thought to be incompatible with life, but the baby survived birth and is still alive. It’s called Potter Syndrome, and the baby has no kidneys. She is being kept alive through dialysis until she can receive a transplant, which will likely be a while because she was born at 28 weeks’ gestation.

She was born July 13 and it seems this is the first of any news reports about it.


What exactly is being Pitted here?

Oops, wrong forum. Can this be moved to Great Debates? Sorry.

Then you need to start a debate, not just toss up a link to a news story.
As of right now, it’s MPSIMS.

I’m assuming you’re annoyed she didn’t have an abortion, otherwise I can’t see why you’d mention that she’s a republican.

But, unless you tell us what you want to debate, it’s not fair to just toss up something that might be controversial and let everyone have at it. Give us something to talk about, tell us your opinion on it and back it up.

Er, what would be the debate, then?

So what’s the debate here???

It’s a pretty boring story. Is it being paid for with food stamps taken away from poor people?

Is the debate whether or not it’s debatable?

Since the OP went out of his way to mention a “conservative Republican” congressperson, I’d guess they were expecting an abortion debate–whether a child with that type of birth defect should have been aborted–or perhaps, depending on the OP’s politics, believes it proves that aborting kids with birth defects is wrong. This would also be the meaning behind asking why it wasn’t reported in the news.

I’m not sure what the debate is here but I’m willing to go on record as being against birth defects.

I figured it was a shot at the liberal media for not publicizing the story more.

This is my take as well.

The Congresswoman chose to keep secret the premature birth until today when the press release was issued. Considering the Columbian was chosen as the media outlet (a right-wing local newspaper) any perceived “liberal” bias is bunk. One might infer she chose to delay the announcement because of the infant’s critical medical issues.

The liberal media is across the Columbia River in Portland, in a different state, with a different approach to life than the District she doesn’t fully represent. FTR, I’ve seen more beat up local pickup trucks waving the Confederate Stars and Bars in her District than I’ve ever seen in a Civil Ware reenactment.

And here I got a pair of perfectly good kidneys and I abuse them nightly. Life ain’t fair, is it?

Wots this thread about?

Threadjack: You must be a fan of Foster Dad John, too! All hail Chickenfish!

I will join you in this brave stand!

What the hell? I can’t believe the brazen ableist agenda in this thread.

In which I walk by the storefront window, glance in, think WTF is going on here, and quickly move on down the sidewalk.

I wonder why anyone thinks this story is news, and why we SHOULD be hearing about it?

The newsworthy thing is that they volunteered for an experimental treatment that seems to have allowed their fetus to develop useful lungs, meaning this might be a viable alternative for other such families in the future.

I suppose we could debate the ethics of performing experimental procedures on an otherwise doomed fetus in hopes of producing a surviving child?