The Incredibles 2 officially announced

Also Cars 3.


“We really like money, and just want a lot more of it,” said Iger.

It’s about damn time.

Meh. Who cares about Pixar? There are better animation studios out there.

:confused:The first Cars sucked so badly that I never watched the sequel. And now a THIRD?

I think Cars is pretty strictly for the kids market, while other have more crossover appeal.


Not really certain that there’s anywhere to “go” with an Incredibles sequel. While I enjoyed the film and I still enjoy it, it is a self-contained narrative. The end of the film doesn’t lend itself into telling another story.

Maybe Pixar could have come up with something 2-5 years after the film was in theaters, too much time has passed since the original and any new story would have an uphill climb.

I, too, have no idea where they could go with an Incredibles sequel, but given that the first was one of the best animated films in history, I’m willing to give them a chance to surprise me.

Another Cars sequel I find eminently yawn-worthy, but that’s easily enough addressed by the simple expedient of not going to see it.

Thankfully Brad Bird is back for it.

It’s funny because on a whim I literally just watched The Incredibles for the first time in years yesterday. Still enjoy it. And the next day, boom! a sequel is announced. Clearly I have magic powers :slight_smile:

My thoughts exactly. He has a good track record, so I’m sure he’ll find an interesting and worthwhile story to use.

Cars? Those movies are what ruined Pixar’s amazing run. But I suppose they must be very popular for them to be making a third one, so hopefully they’ll make a lot of money, some of which can be used to finance the better, possibly less commercially successful movies.

Yeah, but I would have said the same about the endings of both Toy Story and Toy Story 2, and both their sequels were absolutely top-notch, finding interesting story space to explore.

So I refuse to be anything but optimistic about this.

Cars 3 on the other hand… well, at least we don’t start with anything other than extremely low expectations.

That’s pretty much Marvel Studio’s motivation, and except for Iron Man 2, has pretty much just hired talented people and let them do their magic.

The Incredibles was pretty much the best Bond movie in decades, including the fantastic score, and was primarily due to Bird. I’m cautiously optimistic about a sequel, which is more likely to work out than the long-delayed True Lies sequel.


A True Lies sequel? Really?

Like the rest, where to go with an Incredibles sequel is an unknown to me. But I have enough faith in Pixar and Brad Bird to want to see where he’s going with it.

On the other hand, I truly enjoyed Cars. It was a solid - if unoriginal story - with great animation, a good score and brilliant racing shots. The guys who made Cars really liked them some cars.

Really, the most disappointing thing about it was the critics showing off their cultural illiteracy by saying it was just a remake of ‘Doc Hollywood’. The concept goes back much further than that…to Brigadoon and points earlier. It’s a classic tale that can be told a thousand ways and likely will.

The movie is essentially an origin story for a family Superteam. While it wouldn’t be breaking new ground, it is easy to make a sequel: show an adventure for the new Superteam. I suspect Pixar will come up with something more original but it is extremely easy to continue the story.

Considering that I didn’t think there was anywhere to go after Toy Story, and Pixar made the equally awesome TS2, and then I thought that surely there was nowhere else to go, and they topped both of them with TS3, I’m willing to bet they come up with something for Incredibles 2. After all, Marvel’s been churning out adventures for the Fantastic Four for decades. I’m sure there’s a bit more story in the “Super-powered family” concept to explore.

I’m psyched.

Heh… I was ninja’d, I see… MaxTheVool, I concur…

Heck, I could write this… Syndrome returns but badly mangled from the whole jet engine thing. He hides his disfigurement behind a mask and green hood and cloak…

It wasn’t the fact that it was a classic tale that drew comparisons to Doc Hollywood. It was the fact that it was practically a scene-by-scene remake with Cars instead of humans.