
Breaking News:
A small aircraft has crashed into a NYC building. Is it nothing? Is today’s date (11th) important? I really hope this is just an accident.

Right now they are saying a small helicopter crashed in the vicinity of East 71st/72nd street near the East River. At first glance, this is not an attack.

Forgot to mention, it’s residential.


“Twin-engine general aviation plane” is the latest. Certainly nothing on the scale of 9/11 if an attack at all. It’s smack-dab in the middle of the building. Perhaps something more like that Florida kid if intentional at all.

No link yet. Seeing it live on CNN.

Links are useless at this time; no one knows anything more than Plane crashes into Manhattan building. Everything else is speculation.

If terrorism is involved, this is one lame attack.

Cnn.com doesn’t have anything useful at all…

Just so everyone knows, there is a parallel thread in the MPSIMS: Breaking news: plane just crashed into NYC building
No real news yet, but it looks like an accident. I hope it was.


It seems like it would be a simple matter to determine if was an act of terrorism (which I believe it was not). Is it even possible to pilot a small plane without somebody knowing about it? Process of elimination should determine what it was and who was flying it.

Or am I wrong?

For those who want an idea of the area, on google maps, enter 525 East 72nd Street, New York, NY

There’s a heliport nearby.

Small aircraft sounds like from a witness, was acting like it stalled out. This is right by Cornel’s Hospital. Sounds pretty unlikely to be a terrorist attack, and if so, pretty darn small scale. They say that HAZmat tape is up… but people are standing around on both sides of it without protective gear. Sounds mostly just like spilled fuel.

Sort of a bizarre moment: woman on Fox says she saw it happen and then saw an update about it on CNN… she then looked askance and apologized: I guess because FOX doesn’t like anyone mentioning that they were watching or getting their news from a competitor.

Looks like the NYFD is getting this under control and the structure is going to survive. Good job, firemen!

I just saw the same interview. She said she saw a small white 4 seater airplane.
FOX 5 also reported that SWAT was on the scene just in case.

Fighter planes launched to bring sonic booms of super freedom to cities around the US as well to drop leaflets about how the Democrats are behind the Foley scandal.

Run! The North Koreans are attacking!

They earn their NY’s Bravest title yet again. The WTC had to be somewhere in the minds of these folk as they rushed into the building. Can’t be said too much. Good job!


One of the non-talking non-head idiots on MSNBC just said “I am actually, physically looking at the building right now.”

Another one previously had said “This just in: The White House has been informed!” Ya think?

Was Bush still trying to read The Pet Goat?