10 Commandments

Justin Bieber?

You need to read the Bible, rather than Wiki.

The Jews might want to have a word with you about that maybe.

Which translation of the Bible? What commentaries? There are more than a few.

The problem here is that everybody is not going to follow any common code. And if they did, the world would not be a better place. It would be a dull, drab world. It is the way that ants live.

This is how I’m reading this as well. This seems like nothing more than a bible-thumping all dressed up as an intellectual argument/discussion. :dubious:

I never said anything about where the rules came from or who sent them. Why are you so set against whoever sets rules? We have a CREATOR and HE should set the rules for our behaviour!

I never once mentioned the Bible or any religion!

Ahhhh, I see.

Actually, it IS a question or topic about religion or Jewish (the 10 commandments are Jewish, and many Christians believe that Christians are not obligated to follow Mosaic law) values.

Some of them are good. Thou shalt not steal…I’m right behind that one. If people didn’t steal, yeah, the world would be a better place. However, the commandments about no graven images and not worshiping other gods ONLY apply to the believers of Abraham’s god. And those commandments are detrimental to society as a whole, because not everyone is a believer in Abraham’s god, or in any god.

If you “never once mentioned the Bible or any religion” where did you think the ten commandments came from?

There is an intelligent response. You all need to use your BRAINS!!! Like the guy said: It is the way ants live. You have superior intelligence! Use it!

The 10 Commandments are in the Bible, which is a part of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and newer religions derived from them. You’ve mentioned God a couple of times. You didn’t mention a specific denomination and people are giving you a little bit of a hard time, but it does sound like you’re proposing following the 10 Commandments from a religious (or theistic) perspective, not just because they’re good rules.

Uh, no, we don’t, and no, he doesn’t. At least not from the atheist perspective, which is where I and several other posters in this thread are coming from.

We don’t have a creator going by all the evidence, and if we do he can go stuff himself into a black hole as far as I’m concerned; we owe it nothing. Any creator that made us did a terrible job and abandoned us to claw ourselves out of the mud by our own efforts and despite our limitations & design flaws. If we have a creator, by all appearances we are by far its moral superior; we certainly shouldn’t be looking to it for moral advice.

Indeed. That is why I said it was all dressed-up as an intellectual argument.

O, really? Is money not a God? Or drugs? Sex? Do these things take our mind off of what is important in the long run?

HE is aware of how you feel, and is recording all the posts you make. And the mess we are in is a direct result of not following his general rules HE set down for us.

No. They are, respectively, a cultural construct, chemicals, and a pleasurable social activity.

Sometimes. Sometimes they are what’s important.

I am not promoting any religion or belief system. I expected to be hit by alot of ‘anit-christian’ stuff. I do not judge anyone. I only try to get you to think…think…there a lot of things we are not aware of and things going on in the universe that we know not of…but we can tune into if we so desire…

Oh, my! It seems that it’s not just Granny Rainbow who doesn’t seem to know or remember the official Ten Commandments!

But don’t feel bad. Even God forgot them!

You probably also think you “know” (from seeing the Charlton Heston movie, anyway) that Moses smashed the tablets of the God-written Ten Commandments that is falsely imagined to be so well known to believers. What you may not know is that even God forgot what they said! Just as surprising to many of you will be the fact that the new ones are quite different from The Ten Commandments Mark I and that, as the latest God-crafted set, the new ones supersede the old ones. Believers should be honoring the Decalogue Mark II.

So let’s read our Bibles, shall we? And learn how – much akin to Joseph Smith and the first 116 original pages of the Book of Mormon – God had a “senior moment”, forgot the contents of the original Decalogue, and was forced to fabricate (in both senses of the word) The Ten Commandments Mark II from a rather imperfect memory.

Let’s start with

So Moses cut two tables of stone like the first; and he rose early in the morning and went up on Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and took in his hand two tables of stone.

The setting has now been established. Since Moses broke the tablets of the Ten Commandments Mark I, God told him to come back and He would (and I quote verbatim): “write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables” In other words, God said Mark II was going to be an exact copy of Mark I. Except God was either fibbing or He had forgotten the contents of the original, for in verses 11-28 we see the new, revised and improved Ten Commandments, which are NOT the same as the first set! (I have embedded the Commandment numbers in the text):

I’m very worried about God’s memory. He’s clearly suffering from senile dementia or something… ;), but on the other hand, I’ve never encountered a Christian in the wild who knew what the official Ten Commandments say either.

So many religious folks are so adamant about not only living by, but also posting the Ten Commandments in public schools, courthouses, and all kinds of other public buildings. Yet they clearly don’t even know what they really say! Perhaps we should all try to do a better job of getting the word out…

But Granny Rainbow’s right. If we’d done a lot less kid-boiling and a lot more whoring, the world would be near perfect!

That’s non-responsive. Your premise is particularly stupid and false.