105 years ago today...

MPSIMS is the right place for random trivia, yes?

Topsy, the unfortunate circus elephant, was electrocuted to death in a demonstration of the dangers of alternating current on January 4, 1903. Though, to be fair, Topsy was hardly an angel. She’d killed three men in three years and was scheduled to be put down anyway. Still, I’m at a loss as to how I would have reacted when, after having gone to Coney Island for a day of entertainment, I was faced with an electrocuted elephant. My mind, it boggles.

According to this site, Edison’s film of the event was shown all over the country. Must have been worth a bob or two to the promoters.

QI fan by any chance?

Edison was such a wonderful man wasn’t he?

It wasn’t so much the seeing the elephant keel over as it was the incredible clouds of smoke rising from her feet. :eek: :eek:

Actually, a friend messaged me with it earlier. I’m sure she grabbed it off a website, but no idea where.

And the smell. I cannot even begin to IMAGINE the smell.