11 year-old girl suspended for "dangerous" cartwheels. ::speechless::

Yes, Dangerous Cartwheels. I’d laugh if I weren’t so stupefied.

Someone already beat you, let me dig up the link.

Haha. I’ve been living in the city where this took place for two years now, and all I can say is: I’m not surprised. From this, you’d think they’d be a little tougher on the gangs though…

I am surprised it made national news. Way to be put on the map. :rolleyes:

Here you go.

I’ll add another stupid thing too.


Silly me, I forgot to search for Title contains lunch and trays and pencils. :slight_smile:

Trains travel on train tracks?

Why am I just now finding out about this? :mad:

See? Fighting ignorance. Just be glad you found this out now, before you decided to park your RV on the tracks during your next camping trip. :slight_smile:

What were cartwheels called before carts were invented? :confused:

Rolling stones?

:stuck_out_tongue: Thanks, I thought of that question yesterday and it has bothering me ever since.


It’s a great question, it’s been bothering me since you mentioned it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Without commenting on the “cartwheel” aspect of the case, the OP is a bit misleading. The student was suspended for repeatedly ignoring the requests/warnings of the school.

It’s like if a kid keeps running in the hall, the school has warned him (perhaps conferenced with him) and after 8 episodes, the school suspends him. It’d be a bit accurate to say his suspension was solely because he ran in the hall. It’s more of an insubordination issue.

In these types of cases, the school is also at a disadvantage. Because of privacy issues, they can’t release ANY details about specific episodes involving this girl. (For instance, had they already tried other remedies before suspension…had there been injuries on the playground from similar incidents?).

Yeah it sounds a bit flaky at first blush, but I’d like to know more details before jumping to the conclusions that others seem eager to do.

With a bit more research, some of my assumptions were correct


When Ms Patton spoke with the parents…if they AGREED that the girl should stop doing the gymnastics, then at this point it DOES become an insubordination issue.

Trains travel on railroad tracks?

Where am I gonna sleep now?

Does explain all that shaking and bumping I get sometimes, though.

Was it clarified where she was doing the cartwheels?
I know it said “playground” but that doesn’t say much.

There is a world of difference between “la la la doin’ cartwheels in a field” vs a crowded playground.

I just say this because I recall, back in grade school, my friend was on the receiving end of an overzealous caerwheeler.

The two new stories were a little different, but I recall that the girl was doing gymnastics during lunch. It’s been a while since I was in school, but we ate luinch in a lunchroom. Performing cartwheels in the lunchroom is not a good idea. The dad had made a comment about contact sports such as football and basketball, but I suppose those are not played in the lunchroom either.

Hey, don’t go shooting the messenger. You’ll notice I got the OP directly from the title of the article.

Everybody knows that cartwheels can be used to evade kung fu moves, knives, throwing stars and automatic gunfire. She’s a mere step from becoming an unstoppable killing machine you fools! Sheesh, hasn’t anybody seen The Matrix or Kill Bill???

JFC, if they told her not to, and she continued, then suspend her stupid ass. WTF is wrong with you idiots? Christ! =D


Fast forward a year or two. I can see this being pitted:

*New Haven, CT - The parents of an 11-year-old girl are suing the New Haven Transit Authority for failing to provide warnings that cartwheels should not be done on train tracks.

The parents, who sued this newspaper to prevent their identities from being revealed, filed their lawsuit at the District Courthouse today. They are seeking $12 million in damages after their daughter was struck by a train while performing cartwheels on the tracks. She was transported to New Haven Regional Medical Center where she received stitches on her forehead. The parents did not immediately return calls seeking comment.

“This isn’t a playground; these are train tracks. Trains ride on them,” said Gloria Jackson, a spokeswoman for the Transit Authority.*

Tell me it won’t happen. :rolleyes:
