12 year old body builder


I just came across this site today. Click on the galleries at the top of the page (1st gallery). This kid is putting out a fitness video, and his mom is putting out a nutritional cookbook. He also acts. Doesn’t it seem like his parents are pimping him out? Just wanted to see what others though.

That body and that face do not match.

I find it a little disturbing, yes.

The pics in gallery one are disturbing in that they look like cheesecake shots…but he’s 12!

Chalk up another vote for the “this is perverse” camp. Want to start a pool now on how long it takes for the kid to die from some hideous steroid related illness? (I don’t necessarily mean he’s on steroids now. I just mean that if his body doesn’t keep up with his increasing expectations as he gets older it’s a virtual inevitability.)

I’m more disturbed by the kid’s profile.

He’s 12 years old and his parents let him listen to Ludacris, Lil’ John and Snoop Dog? Niice …

Definetly very creepy. I’m curious as to how much time this kid devotes to working out, nutrition, flexing, etc,. It just seems like a foolish waste of a childhood.

Plus, you can tell this kid either goes to a tanning bed or uses that vile chemical tan junk. He’s 12. Plus, he could improve his appearance tenfold if his parents would just cut his hair.


Anyone who thinks lyrics like these are appropriate for a 12 year old has a screw loose or something.

I’ve seen pictures of that kid before - I think it was in GQ or Maxim. It must have been three or four years ago, so either the website’s some sort of fossil, or the kid is in some sort of suspended animation. The amagazine article was really sad. His dad was definitely, er, selling his kid to the highest bidder and the kid didn’t seem to know any better (he was essentially never out of dad’s sight). :frowning:

Aside from the fake tan, the silly hair, and the strange clothes, I had several friends who looked like that at 12.

My younger brother is 16 and vaguely resembles Brian Urlacher.

I wonder if I could kick that kid’s ass. One the one hand, he works out a butt-load more than I do; but on the other, he is only 12. Plus, while he’s frickin’ cut, there’s still not much muscle mass present.

Eh, I got my money on me. Until he starts growing pubes, anyway.

Holy crap! Check out the magazine spreads he’s done. The ‘Body Sport’ and ‘Flex Magazine’ spreads look really freakish.

I think the thing that I find more disturbing/unsettling than the ripped body on a 12 year old is the fact that the way his face is shaped, and his hair, it looks like the pasted a girl’s head on him. :eek:

Too bad it seems to be his dad putting him up to that. Those things usually never end well once the kids grow up. :frowning:

DUH yeah. Waaaaaaaaaaay scary. What is that!?! Baiting the really icky people or what?

A while ago I watched a programme about that kid. The dad has been accused of feeding the kid steroids. :frowning:

I first saw him on TV years ago. He was ripped then and was probably 9 or 10.

This one in particular looks photoshopped to me. The face and body aren’t even the same color.

Eeeewww…that’s seriously disturbing.

I thought so too, but the next picture shows him from a side shot, and you can tell he is wearing some white powder on his face and his body has that fake tan crap on it, I think this is why it looks funny.

Looks like they made him up since he’s going to be on camera.