18 Months??? That's All???

I couldn’t find an online link to this, so I’ll just quote the AP wire as reported in the Providence Journal this morning :

You know, I’m not usually a vindictive person, but to me there is just not enough time in the world to put this guy away for, but 18 months??? And with good behavior he’ll probably be out in 9? What the hell was this judge thinking? This guy wanted someone to kidnap and rape his own daughter! At only 12 years old!

There’s not a bad enough punishment I could think of for this guy but I sincerely hope that while he’s in prison someone arranges Mr. Munson’s anatomy so that this fuck knuckle can never have children again.

Oh Goddess, I think I’m going to puke.

Is there more to the story? There’s got to be more. No judge in the world could possibly be that stupid.

What a sick fuck!

Is this girl and the rest of her family now far away from this waste of skin?

I’ve been searching the net for the last hour for any other details I can find, but so far I’ve come up empty. I’ll keep looking.

The only thing I can think of as far as the judge is concerned is that 18 months may have been all he was legally allowed to sentence him to since he (thankfully!) was caught before he was able to go through with his scheme.

Of course, ten years as a registered sex offended isn’t a laughing matter.

Perhaps reading through this Bangor Daily News Article will fill in some blanks.

I’m way too angry to say something here. Just go and read. :mad:


ANDROS: Ten years as a registered sex offended isn’t enough. This guy thought that it would be hot to see his 12-year old daughter get raped. The only fortunate thing is that he was apparently too much of a coward to do it himself or to actually follow up and have it done.

The most disguting thing is that someone soliciting the murder of this sick, rat-fuck bastard would probably receive more than 18 months.

Registered sex offender my ass ! This guy should have a tattoo on his face that says ** I tried to get someone to kidnap and rape my 12 yr. old child, and to share pictures of the act with me. **

My wish at this point is that he be placed in the general population of the prison and that someone would let the nature of his crime slip. Bastard is too nice a name for this scum.

My heart is broken for that little girl. How in the hell is she ever going to be able to trust anyone now ?

I totally agree with you. The problem is, most times these things (can’t call them people) end up in seperate parts of the prison, for their protection :rolleyes: since putting them in the prison’s general population and letting the other inmates know of the reason why they are there could be considered ‘cruel and unusual punishment’. I don’t have cites for this, but then again this isn’t GQ or GD…

In one word: Sickening.

My uncle has a saying which he uses in situations like this: Some people just need to be shot.

I can’t think of anyway better to say it.

Toon’s link had a wonderful sentence; said that Munson is receiving therapy.

…of the high-speed lead variety, one would hope.

Eighteen fucking months? Jesus Christ, take me home, it’s completely fucked down here.

A judge here in Texas returned a couple of young girls to the home where thier mothers boyfriend had been molesting them. His excuse was that it would be difficult to place them in foster care, so the mother just needed to put an alarm on the girls bedroom door at night. Some judges have no business doing what they are doing.

18 months is way too short, he should have been given the full 10 years. And I read the story that says all he succeeded in doing was putting an ad on the internet seeking for someone to kidnap and rape his daughter. Arrrrghh!

Erm… How about, shot and hung after torture?

The only consolation is that the girl has a stepfather, (apparently the mom re-married, THANK GOD). So I hope and pray that this girl considers her step-dad to be her REAL dad, and she still trusts him as a “father figure” type. Please, oh please, let that be so.

I am utterly appalled that someone could be this sick. Horrified. The depravity of some people has no limits, it seems.

Unbelievable. I’m honestly stunned.

I agree with all those who believe someone with this degree of inhumanity should be removed permanently from society - if he could consider this for his own daughter, surely he’s capable of considering it for another 12 year old girl?

:::: jaw drops to the floor ::::

Oh you have to be freakin’ kidding me.

Hail American justice, hail. :rolleyes:


i detect the odor of a lawyer making behind-the-scene deals…

This guy needs to be handed over to the Taliban for proper sentencing.

Gees! If you read the article, it’s WORSE than Euty thought…I was prepared to think maybe the Judge’s hands were tied because it was only “solicitation” and not actually contracted or something but this…

He WASN’T given the maximum sentence.


WTF?! Remorseful or not, this man needs treatment and a long-time separation from society not probation.