1980's music video with dog ziplines across the city

Okay I know I didn’t dream this video like the last one I asked about because I saw it a few times back in the day. It starts out with this guy who puts his dog in a little harness and sends him out on a zipline, and there are ziplines crossing all over the city for dogs. The dog meets up with his doggy-girlfriend who is attached to her own zipline and the guy stays home watching TV (I think the artist who does the song is on the TV) and he also watches what his dog is up to via a camera on the zipline.

Does anybody remember this video? It was in the 80’s or early 90’s.

This sounds familiar…

Damned if I can remember what is was!

It doesn’t sound at all familiar to me… but I hope you get an answer, because now I really want to see that!

I recall a video like that, in the early 90’s tho, by Tom Jones. Vh1 played it more than MTV back when they were trying to be “grown up”.

[quote=“TBG, post:4, topic:810909”]

I recall a video like that, in the early 90’s tho, by Tom Jones. Vh1 played it more than MTV back when they were trying to be “grown up”.


YES!! That’s it. Thank you SO MUCH.

It’s Tom Jones “If I Only Knew”.

Oh, ground-level ziplines. That’s slightly less awesome than what I was picturing.

If there’s anything the activity of ziplining needs, it’s more dogs.

Tom Jones is now my favourite rapper. Sorry, Debbie Harry and Rodney Dangerfield!