2 College Coachs Fall Out A Hotel Window In Their Undies--'Cause They Were Wrestling.

Both males.


Some accounts suggest alcohol may be involved.

You betcha.

This is one of the best thread titles ever. Really, what more needed to be said here?

The name of the resort, that’s what.

Possibly, potentially, the best thread ever.

I eagerly await to see how this unwraps.

This has been noted by the locals, many times.

In this context, though.

Obviously. :rolleyes:

The “Δ” section, no less.

Sometimes these rights just thing themselves.


This is true. I overlooked that.

Were they “wrestling,” or “wrassling”?

Urban Dictionary’s 2nd definition is…odd.

Based on the severity of the injuries, you can tell which one of them was the bottom.