2012 has destroyed my faith in Capitalism, humanity and a Loving God

I just saw the first hour of the movie 2012 last night and now I am wondering if everything I thought about the world is wrong? I tend to believe that Capitalism is the most efficient best system (not, mind you unfettered capitalism, and anyway this is Cafe Society so no politics :)). Yet how can it be right when so much money is poured into something so inherently worthless, pointless and downright awful…there are starving kinds in Somalia and such!

Also, why would our fellow home sapiens do this to us? Why would they create something so dire, so horribly awful, dress it up with respectable movie stars and a fancy poster and then make us watch it! (yes they MADE me watch it, with their gamma rays infiltrating my home) Why is there such cruelty and meanness between human beings? And in the form of entertainment, how they lure us in with the guise of entertainment? That wasn’t entertainment! That was torture, that surely the Geneva Convention and Amnesty International would deem torture, humiliating, and cruel. 2012, it’s just such a sad indictment of humanity.

And finally, with such cruelty and, dare I say evil, that would write, fund, film, act, edit and distribute such a monstrosity, that rightfully should have been locked into the deepest crevices of the earth, to become part of our ancient mythology, much like Pandora’s box, how can one justify a loving caring God? HOW, I ask, HOW???

If, uh, you felt this way after watching 2012, please do yourself a favor and do not watch Transformers 2 - it will make you lose faith in the inherent goodness of life in general, not just humanity.

I did watch Transfomrers 2 and it killed my brain and had to have it replaced. I mean literally, I am on my second brain, because of Transfromers 2.

Welcome to the light of reality! There is no justification for a loving, caring god. How the Christians can justify his complete and utter abandonment of his ‘creation’ is hard to understand.

But then, I don’t believe he existed in the first place. If he does exist, then he’s not a god worth a second of my concern.

Maybe this will help restore your faith - 2012/Yakety Sax mashup.

I thought the first two times they had to take off in an airplane just in time while racing away from earthquake-induce fissures in the runway and volcanic fireballs flying through the air was believable. But the third time was totally gratuitous and completely ruined my suspension of disbelief.

On a more serious note, I absolutely love how the security guards in the mountain complex, even on the eve of global destruction, were still blindly faithful to their capitalist overlords.

seriously? they would probably kill the fat cats and let only the hot women on board.

Yeah, but Transformers 2 at least had Megan Fox slinked over a motorcyle, and running Baywatch style through the desert.

Was that before or after the third car driving over cracking pavement past flying debris and collapsing buildings?

But what about Transfromers 2?

I liked 2012.

aerie, I think you took the OP a liiiiiiittle bit too seriously.

It was after they drove through a collapsing building and under a collapsing freeway, but before they drove a different car out of a flying airplane and onto a glacier.

Remember the guard who was a relative of the family helping the protagonists? He thought he’d be able to get on the ship easily, seeing as he was a guard. It’s not too much of a stretch to imagine that the guards were uneducated and gullible, all believing that they’d get a spot on a boat. And only when the controllers, already on the boat, pulled the switch and released the boats did they learn the truth. Remember, a lot of the fatcats were left to die, too.

Wow, it worked. That was beautiful.

So about the time Woody Harrelson survived a blast of hot air, only to be engulfed by a massive fireball that also burned off the back of the camper that John Cusack kept driving until it fell into a crater that Cusack managed to climb out of in “the nick of time”?

I’m going to go home and hug my kids now.

I haven’t seen the abomination, but that mash-up is far better than the movie ever could be. :smiley: Yakety Sax makes everything better; it’s like bacon salt.

It seems to me that I’ve seen a similar mash-up, showing flying scenes, too.

Earth is going to destroy everybody, but I liked how the exploding earth was thoughtful enough to pause every time they had to switch vehicles. Rightly considerate, that was!

Dudes, they are just explosion and destruction porn movies. If you don’t like that sort of thing, how about not watching them. It was obvious from the advertising what they were. Masochists.

We all (well, mostly) agree that it is a good, fun, dumb movie so think of this thread as celebrating the dumb aspects of the film.

Like how the plane was running out of fuel so the film-makers moved Asia so our heroes could arrive at the Right Spot at the Right Time.

My friends and I were lamenting that it made so much money theatrically… but we saw it theatrically, too. It was well worth seeing in a loud, raucous, yelling-back-at-the-screen crowd. Like a incredibly vulgar version of MST3k. I wouldn’t watch it for free in a theater if I was by myself, but I’d pay $10 to see it again in a crowd like that.