The studio is pushing it big - I’m seeing commercials and trailers for it everywhere. What I haven’t seen yet is one single reason I would want to see it.
I have every intention of seeing it opening weekend. It’s disaster porn at its greatest.
Yeah, this looks amazing. This could be “lets outrun the cold front” level of awesome.
After this, what is Emmerich gonna immaculately destroy next? The Solar System?
But yeh, Roland Emmerich likes to make epic pap. Remarkably, he outdoes himself with every movie and makes the next one even worse than the one before. I’m beginning to believe he is a bottomless abyss of awfulness.
So you there opening night!
Half of California sliding into the ocean isn’t enough?
An airplane flying into two giant skyscrapers, which are simultaneously collapsing, isn’t enough?
Man, are you jaded!
Exactly. I’m not going to see it for the acting or the writing… I’m going to see it 'cause shit gets blowed up real good.
Are you KIDDING me? Have you not seen the bit in the trailer where a tsunami smashes the USS John F. Kennedy into the White House? How could any thinking being not immediately want to see more?
Just go buy a bunch of Lego, build a city, and smash it. There, way more satisfying.
It’s just lucky for John Cusack that the world falls apart at almost exactly the maximum speed of a limousine driving through a disintegrating Los Angeles.
If the mechanics of the end times weren’t so carefully calibrated the movie would have ended early.
Watching a tsunami crest the Himalayas is going to be one great popcorn moment for me. I am SO there.
Then he hires a pilot too stupid to climb above the level of buildings? More stupid in the trailer I saw than in all of Armageddon. And that’s a lot of stupid.
Go for the destruction, stay for the bongos!
Everything is gonna get destroyed in a big way. Awesome. It’s going to be so awesome.
Works for me ! I got a hard on and sweaty palms just seeing that tidbit !
Is Emmerich the new Irwin Allen?
As a kid, I tried that- but even with gasoline, the fireballs were too small.
Even if they did make movie-screen-sized Legos, they wouldn’t fit in my back yard.
you know, I love StraightDopeSnark, I truly do, but I want to come on board flatly and dully agreeing with the original post. this looks like the biggest bunch of tripe shit on celluloid evar. I like to see things blown up real good with the rest of you, hey, but I have my limits.
Not only does the earth magically cave away mere feet behind Cusack’s limo - presumably pausing for the driver to take lefts and rights - it must pause, allowing the passengers to board a private aircraft, before resuming its ability to crumble away just feet behind them, now at takeoff speeds.
We’ll see. There’s always an audience for empty thrills, but if everyone who expressed excitement about motherfucking Snakes on a Plane had actually made it to a motherfucking theater, it wouldn’t have finished somewhere between Deck the Halls and She’s the Man in domestic box office.