24 Hours

In reference to Cecil Adams’ article about the 24-hour day (“Who decided the day should be divided into 24 hours?”) - as a representative of the Cubic Society (http://cubarian.com) I would like to commend Mr Adams on his wonderful research on the subject. As a representative of the Cubic Society (http://cubarian.com), I know quite a bit about Time myself! We are always striving to improve humanity’s understanding of how the world works, and indeed the universe! For example, did you know that there are in fact four full 24-hour days in EACH EARTH ROTATION? :smiley: True!
Great website! Keep up the good work.

Each time you go to the link in the OP, the picture at the bottom changes. Their “names” are displayed under the picture. Some of those dudes are scary! (Guad Istead (sic)). (So is some of the text):


There is an alternative clock system being promoted whch could revolutionize our understanding of time. Find it at Time Cube. Although, technically, the minute and hour hands should be crosses, since there are 4 days in every 1 day earth rotation…

I dunno, NutMagnet, you seem to have picked a particularly appropriate username. :wink:

sheeesh! I recognize that “graph paper” background, we have been visited by representatives of this place, before.

hmmm… interesting. I especially like the animated rotating fractal image on this page. Where can I find more of those to stare at?

Actually, reading Gene Ray’s page and the Cubic Society page I thought ‘they must be crazy’ but now I properly think about it DOES make sense. I advise you all to read them.

Please include a link to Cecil’s column if it’s on the Straight Dope web site.
To include a link, it can be as simple as including the web page location in your post (make sure there is a space before and after the text of the URL).

Cecil’s column can be found on-line at this link:
Who decided the day should be divided into 24 hours? (20-Feb-1981)

The column (including Slug Signorino’s illustration) can also be found on pages 125-126 of Cecil Adams’ book «The Straight Dope (1984; reissued 1986, 1998)».

moderator, «Comments on Cecil’s Columns»

Didn’t we also feature “timecube” as one of our Weird Earls a while back?

Y’all play nice, now. You might want to re-read our rule on proselytizing on the front page of the forum.

your humble TubaDiva

Hmm. Three people who have one post to their names all turn up in the same thread and say “Hmmm, gee the world is completely the opposite to the way I thought it was - now it all makes sense! Thanks Time Cube!” cheesy grin and a wink

I stand suspicious.

Isn’t “Time Cube” that cool Cartoon Network cartoon with the robot, the little kid, and the big burly feller? :slight_smile:

That first page has a telling comment at the bottom that suggests all is not as it seems at timecube.

Reading through the “proof” section, I find it laughable. I mean, they cite Sokal’s Transgressing the Boundaries as a serious quote. And the discussion about Fermat’s last theorem is positively nonsense. Because 1+1=2 doesn’t work in reality, only in “unapplied mathematics”. :rolleyes:

And the reference to “autodynamics” and claiming Einstein has an error in Relativity. Uh huh.

The comment was the word “Parody”.

At the bottom of which page did you see the word Parody, Irishman?