24: Redemption

Where was the army of the nation of Sengala? They might have been able to do something about the insurgents, no?

That makes it all make sense. Had I looked at a map last night, I would have gotten it. Instead, I looked at one just now.

Yep, on the west coast of the bulge, right in the middle, and due south of Limerick.

I thought it was good but not great. It didn’t have any of the moments that really make 24 awesome… no hacksaw, no crazy Jack ass-kicking. The best moment didn’t even involve Jack at all (the guy on the mine). (Granted, you’d think they could have figured out some way around that…)

On the other hand, there weren’t any of the things that really make 24 suck. There was no hilariously overcomplicated plan, no pointless side-plot involving Kim, no pointless technobabble.
I definitely like the idea of a presidential offspring being involved in the upcoming season’s plot, however.

I thought it was okay, not great. I did like the change of scenery quite a bit, though. The threat was also a nice change of pace. Civil war is refreshingly plausible after the nuclear bombs and megaviruses we’ve come to expect.

I really hope they eventually decide to say “the hell with realism” and throw in a paranormal threat. I think a zombie uprising would make for a fantastic season.

Good? No.
Silly? Yes.

And I like silly.
I enjoy watching the writers paint themselves into a corner and trying to find a way out. It’s fun to see them dream up all kinds of magnificent stunts only to save the day by having Chloë re-direct the satellite (flying aprox a mile over L.A. and taking pictures from the side of things). And Kiefer is playing it sooo straight, which makes the comedy even better.

Oh man. Chloe. How could I forget.

I might watch this season after all…



No. — That is, Episodes WILL BE back in the US.

The entire movie was set up to bridge the gap from Season 6 to Season 7.

The movie gave backstory to why Jack shows up in [US] court.

Information on Season 7 spoiler below.

Which leads to:

The sneak preview we saw some time back, with Jack giving an argument defending his actions from season 6.

Looks like the sneak preview we saw way back when for the “next” season of 24 is still on track. YAY.

Frankly, I don’t know what I was expecting, but “Redemption” wasnt it. At all.

I mean, I know it was Africa, but, for two hours, it had about as much action as “regular” 15 minutes of a GOOD 24 EP has.

I mean, Really, we waited this long for a 24 ““movie”” as this is what we got?!


The red hot machete to the face and breaking the neck of the guy who did it with his legs is what, chopped liver?


Well, the secret truth is, Fox had been getting a lot of flack from the EEOC over the racial favoritism Jack had been showing, so this was just a chance to let him kill some black folks to get that evened out some.


Already done once or twice?

Not to Equate 24 to Saw, but, if you remember how Chase ended up at end of his season, or Doyle, for that matter. …
I mean, a standard for 24 ((All aspects of the show, Yes, the torture included)) has been set. Redemption did not match it.

Repetition is odious, but killing Curtis was what, chopped liver?

I don’t have a clue. The toughest guy I saw was in Burn Notice, when they beat the shit out of Sam, “Man, that really hurt. Was it good for you?”

Trust me, the EEOC cares about quantity, not mass.

I think you’ve set a record for losing me in a thread. :slight_smile:
What is “EEOC”? Shouldn’t that be “quality, not mass”? Do you mean the number of guys, not how big they are? We’re talking about the Bauerism, spoken to whats-his-name, New Bauer Sidekick, a job with the life expectancy of “Al-Quida No. 2”. “I killed the guy who last had your job, and I liked him.”

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Yes, exactly. Curtis was big. In Redemption, Jack kills in quantity.

Hell, they needed killing. Randolph Scott can do that.
Blowing your best friend away has got to count for killing, say, twenty-five bad guys.



And poor Jack can’t disarm a bomb without Chloe.

And one slip and they both die and none of the kids are saved.

Him sacrificing himself was the sensible plan.

I like the fact that the writers are still proudly displaying their rightwing credentials by making the UN aid worker a selfish prick. Gotta get the digs into the liberals somehow.