"24" Season 2, Episode 1 - 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. (SPOILERS)

no no Ferrous, you have getting your blondes confused!!
Two different persons here!

Too many damn blondes!

Anyway, Zoff, I went poking around on Fox’s website, and Nina (Sarah Clarke) is indeed on the slate for this season.

Blonde this, blonde that, did Hugh Hefner cast the show this season???

Grrr. The server ate my post. Here’s the best reconstruction I can come up with.

As to the “too many blondes” gripes: While I’m not a blonde lover myself (redheads redheads redheads), I thought the casting was pretty SoCal realistic. I didn’t have any problem keeping them straight. It’s not like they look like each other or anything.

[Nathan Lane voice] This is not Short Attention Span Theater, people [/Nathan Lane Voice]

Second, what is the deal with Tony? Is this guy destined to look goofy? He traded in last season’s not great but not terrible soul patch for the worst haircut on a currently running series. In the first five seconds he was on screen I said, “Why is Tony wearing one of Sy Sperling’s (sp?) old toupees?” It looks like a leftover prop from Caligula.

Third, as to Kim kicking evil dad ass: She’s very much Jack’s daughter in that her first priority was to protect the little spawn. Dad booty kicking will have to wait until the droplet is save or until the threat is immediate and won’t be jacked up by her acting. Hopefully that’ll happen very soon. I friggin’ hate this guy.

Kim in her underwear. Jack taking no prisoners and giving George the contempt at every opportunity. “Gimme a Hacksaw”. YES.
This is gonna be a great season.

Between this show, Alias, and the upcoming season of The Shield, I am one happy TV viewer.

I don’t know…Guts she had, and to spare. But patience? Self-restraint? Wisdom? Not so much. (Remember her standing up in the middle of a firefight?)

But still, as long as she kicks his ass pretty soon, I’ll give her (and you) the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks for the info. Bad Nina is so much hotter than Good Nina.

My sentiments exactly. I thought she made repeated breathtakingly stupid decisions last season. Hey, I’m not exactly an expert on counter-terrorism, but if my CTU dad told me to stay down, I’d stay down.

She’ll find herself in peril again this season, I’m sure.

If Kim weren’t in peril, her character would be quite dull.

Jack: Kim leave town now.
Kim: OK, where?
Jack: Aunt Carol’s
Kim: OK, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Of course, I would love that plot line as I found Kim’s character to be incredibly annoying.

As a fan of the violent and sexually bizarre, my only wish for this season is that ONE of these blondes gets a reeeeeeel good, full arm, backhanded bitchslap.

That sort of thing is the stuff of dreams.

Can we make it Kim that gets the bitchslap that she was so overdue from last season? Pleeeeeze?

I like the new-and-improved Jack - I was saying to Jim that when Jack gets back into action, he’ll be twice the agent now than he was before. He trusts absolutely no one, suspects everything, and takes no prisoners (literally!). He should be running his agency now.

Is it just me, or is this storyline a direct response to Sept. 11?

Blondie Mom got her’s off-screen. Blondie kid didn’t get a slap, but still got a wallop. Blondie Kim did see the back of Dad’s hand already.

I think the blond mommy may already have gotten the bitch slap, but we didn’t get to see it.

As for Kim, I don’t want to see her slapped, but I would volunteer to administer a spanking.:wink:

During the opening scene I thought “Ah, the evil bad guys torturing some poor guy”. Then I thought, “Nah, this is 24: these will probably turn out to be the good guys torturing somebody.”

That’s what I love about the show. They are all about the shades of grey. Torturing is wrong, but what if it is the only way to save 2.5 million peoples lives? Not so wrong anymore.

Like the guy Jack murdered. Child pornographer who was going to walk away from his charges. He SHOULD be dead. It’s illegal, uncivillized, and perhaps morally wrong to kill him, but A) He had it coming and B) Some child molester’s life is well worth the life of 2.5 mllion people (even if it is the people in LA). The real world isn’t black and white - it’s a million shades in between. Right and wrong are not always clear.

Do the ends justify the means? Hellz yeah.

Smoke 'em, Jack. Smoke 'em good. But be careful, they just may kill your daughter this time since it’s the only thing you care about and we have to see you get fucked real hard in the last hour. I mean, they have to try and top (or at least match) last years ending, no? Heck, maybe you yourself will get killed. Or maybe it will be something where you have to decide to let 10,000 innocent people die to save a couple million. Sort of like what the Russians just had to go through with that theater. If “Russian Roulette” is already taken, then I guess we can call such a gambit a game of “Russian Diplomacy”.

Where is Nina anyway? She is in a prison somewhere, right? They carted her off after he decided not to smoke her last year, I think. A decision he made before he found her handywork: his murdered pregnant wife. They haven’t seen each other since, right?

DaLovin’ Dj

SPECULATION: Perhaps Jack will be put through the wringer this time around by having to not kill Nina, because at some critical point he will need her help to save Los Angeles. Having to work with the woman who murdered his pregnant wife, in order to save his daughter* (and several million other people), would be one dilemma they could put him through.

*Nobody thinks Kim’s just going to quickly and easily leave Los Angeles, right?

Of course Kim isn’t going anywhere but into the thick of trouble!

I’m betting Nina is being held in the same sort of secret prison facility they held Victor Drazen in last season. Under wraps, but available to pump for information or other future use without all those pesky Constitutional concerns.

I’m a little shaky on the “Kim in Trouble” plotline. Okay, I was willing to buy it last time around because she was integral to the plot, such as it was. She was a target. But if it ends up that she’s got her own little domestic problem and thereby ends up driving around LA for 24 hours, I’ll be pretty disppointed.

Some observations:

Jack has at least gotten some sleep recently. Last year, he had already been awake for at least 13, 14 hours when the thing started.

There are indeed too many blondes. I consider myself pretty discerning and I had the rare experience of my SO asking “Who is that” and me saying, “I have no clue.” I am certainly not biased against blondes in general, but that is a casting slipup.

I don’t know if I buy the new teen computer geek. Milo was stretching it last year. Can’t they grab a stable, mature civilian contractor for this gig? They must have the budget for it, look at the time and money they spend on interface design.

Speaking of which, I hate the briefing room. Perhaps it’s because I work in that industry, but graphics like that are not close to plausible in real time in real life. They’re fancier than the NFL on Fox, even with little sound effects. I bet the design of the actual graphics used took months. Cough. Um.

Nice to see Tony is still using his trusty Cubs mug.

You mean Sara Gilbert? I don’t know how old she’s supposed to be in the show, but she’s 27 IRL. (Makes you feel old, doesn’t it?)

She’s the same age as me?

Maybe I’m just anchored in the Roseanne Sara Gilbert. Either way, I could do without the flaky gen-x hacker stereotype.